warning: ships i wont do.

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a lot of people have seen that I do whatever is requested but some think I don't have a limit. Well I do and here is the list of things I limit:

1- I will not do dabixtodo no matter how much everyone wants it because they are brothers. I'm sorry but I cannot do that because I'm a sister to a flirty 3 year old whom tries to kiss me and I feel grossed out about it. we are family so I think it's weird. I won't have dabi fuck todoroki to oblivion or Vice versus. ok? Ok. Now I could do a fluff BROTHER chapter or angst BROTHER chapter.

2- I'm not doing Deku with his mom, or any other mom, which means no IZUxINKO or mitsudeku. That might not be illegal over there but it does kinda weird me out.

3- I won't do erideku or KotaDeku because they are 6-7 year olds and Deku is 15-16. It's wrong, I'm pretty sure if I wrote the way you guys wanted me to then it would be grooming. I also will not do I sped up version unless it's fluff. Or angst. And if I do it'll most likely be a brotherly chapter like dabixtodo. (I'm sure it won't be romantic)

4- I won't take things too far with kinks meaning I won't have a cutting kink, or a piss kink, or just kinks that take things too far because I'm only 15 and I have to do research on kinks before I write them in this book. also because some make me really uncomfortable and others are just disturbing to me. I'm sorry if you feel like I've disrespected you but I needed to push that out there.

5- I won't do any teacher x Deku ships and I won't be doing any ships I find uncomfortable. If you think your ship/kink or just requests in general might not be something I'm comfortable with then private message me and we will further discuss it. If your not shy about it then you can comment it here.

6- (newly added) the only time I'll do ships with teachers is aged down or up. since technically izuku is legal age to consent.

Peace out- author~sama❤️❤️

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