💜Kiribaku 🍋

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Kiri and his lover were relaxing in his bed, and cuddling while watching TV. The couple were relaxing in each other's arms. They were currently at Kiri's house but his Parents weren't home. Suddenly a thought of insecurity crossed through Kiri's mind, he thought Bakugou didn't know that he loved him. So he tightened his grip on Katsuki's waist, to which katsuki looked up at him. "Oi, are you okay?" Eijirou nodded before red eyes locked with each other. "You know I love you right?" Katsuki playfully rolled his eyes. "Of course I know that, Shitty hair."

Kirishima looked at his blonde lover before saying " Katsuki... I was wondering if you maybe wanted to...take our relationship to the next level?" Katsuki sat up and looked at Eijirou. "EI! We are 16! And you want to talk about marriage already? I love you, but isn't that a bit fast?" Eijirou blushed and shook his head. "No, no Katsuki i meant like, the next level......intimacy wise." Katsuki looked at him dumbfounded. " Eijirou, if you wanna have sex, just say it." Ei's face was as red as his hair as he looked at the blond and said " I wanna have sex."

He pulled katsuki onto his lap as their lips and tongues engaged in a battle for dominance. Small moans escaped from Katsuki's mouth as Ei won the battle and swirled his tongue around katsuki's then slowly licked his tongue, and bit his lip. Bakugou was still fighting submission till Kiri reached down and grabbed his ass, squeezing the plump flesh in his hand, Katsuki gasped as Kiri deepened the kiss. Eventually kiri broke away from the kiss as he started placing open mouth kisses on the blond's neck searching for the spot that would make him moan.

Katsuki breathed heavily as he grabbed ei's hair to try and find something to ground himself from the heat and pleasure he was feeling, Kiri noticed this and quickly flipped them over, so Bakugou was on the bed and kiri was on top. He put his knee in between Katsuki's legs as he grinded against his cock. "F-fuck~ Eijirou~" Kiri swiftly pulled down Baku's pants and slapped his ass. " That's not my name, baby boy~" Katsuki moaned as Kiri grabbed his cock. "Say my name~" Katsuki bucked his hips forward to try and gain friction as he muttered" Daddy~ Oh fuck~ Daddy PLease!"

Kiri stopped what he was doing and looked into the lustful crimson eyes of his lover. ' Please what?" He traced his finger slowly down his lover's sides, as katsuki's breath hitched when he felt said finger circling his entrance. Kirshima leaned into his lover's ear as he lowered his voice and softly whispered, as he bit his ear" What do you want baby boy?~" Katsuki's entire body shivered in anticipation and pleasure as he moaed " Fuck me daddy! Oh, please fuck me."

Kirishima grinned as reached into his bedside drawer and pulled out the lube before slathering his fingers in the smooth substance, and slowly interested his finger into katsuki's. " A low moan escaped the blond's panting lips as his lover moved his fingers while inserting another finger and scissoring him. Katsuki's eyes rolled back as Kiri's fingers got dangerously close to his prostate. When Eijirou found it, katsuki released a sinful gaso followed bya moan as kiri groaned at the sound that was music to his ears. Eijirou quickly thrusted his fingers into that spot, while using his other fingers to play and tease his (Katsuki's) nipples. Meanwhile katsuki could barely catch his breath and his body reacted against his will to the pleasure that was slowly consuming him.

"Oh shit~ fuck...Daddy.. I'm gonna...Oh Gosh~" Kiri Quickly reacted by moving his hand from his chest to his cock and grabbed it making Katsuki close his eyes and squirm. " You don't cum until I tell you." Removing his fingers from the katsuki, which admittedly made katsuki whine, and brought down his pants to reveal his hard 8-inch cock. Katsuki's eyes widened as he looked at it and licked his tip before Ei reached over and put on a condom as well as lathering up his member. He then got in between his legs and stripped off the rest of their clothing. Both boys fully naked looked at each. "You ready?" Katsuki nodded "just fucking put it in already."

Kirishima nodded as he inserted his tip and katsuki hissed at the stretch as his back arched slightly. Kiri put it halfway in before waiting for the green light from Katsuki so he could adjust. ONce Katsuki was ready he started thrusting slowly into him. "Oh daddy~ Fuck, harder~ faster please~" Kiri grinned as he grabbed katsukis hips and started thrusting violently into him katsuki's mewled in pleasure as strings of explicits flowed from his lips. Kiri grunted an dgronaed feeling The heat surroudngin his cock and the wet slapping making evrything mor erotic. He started praising him "Oh yes~ Katsuki you're taking me, mmm~ in so good~ oh you're being such a mmm~ good boy for daddy." Kirishima abused and pounded brutally into his prostate making katsuki choke on a moan as his breathing sped up and his hips thrusted back to match kiri's pace. Katsuki's eyes rolled to the back of his head as his tongue lolled past his bitten lips and drool dripped down his chin, his body bouncing with the force and the pace of kiri's thrust.

Katsuki's hands gripped tightly to the bed sheets. Kiri's hair was down, the sweat making the gel weaken as his abs glistened in the light of the room. The heat and erotic noises started getting louder, as katsuki felt heat pool into his lower stomach. His dick twitched, as precumm leaked down and flowed a steady stream over kiri's hands, as he moaned.

" Daddy~ please... Please let me cum~ Please" Kirishima felt that he was close as well so he nodded as he started moving his hand up and down, jerking katsuki's. After a few moments and one specific powerful thurs katsuki's cried and moaned tears dripping down his face and his back arching painfully as creamy white ribbons spurted from his cock, while kiri rode out his orgasm and ended up cumming into the condom. Both boys tried to catch their breaths as they stopped moving and kiri pulled out collapsing on top of bakugou.

After a few moments kiri stood up, took off the cum filled condom, threw it in the trash, and picked up bakugou who was still blissed out as he started to prepare a bath and then slowly lowered bakugou into the water before getting in behind him and sitting with him. He gently pulled bakugou's back against his chest, and washed his body as bakugou relaxed and they both basked in the afterglow. After a couple of moments Bakugou finally spoke up.

"My ass hurts." he complained "Sorry, but you WERE the one saying 'oh fuck! Harder daddy, harder please!' " Kirishima teased and bakugou grumbled "fuck you, Eijirou." Kirishima shook his head "Nah, I'd rather fuck you." Bakugou smiled softly. "You just did." Kirishima kissed his cheek. "And i'd do it again." Bakugou looked up to kirishima and kissed him. However this one wasn't full of lust or aggressiveness. It was calm, peaceful, passionate and full of love. The two boys finished bathing as Kiri dressed katsuki's in an oversized hoodie of his, changed the sheets, and both young lovers fell asleep in each other's arms.

1274 words

Heyo I'm Ash and I wrote this requested kiribaku smut. So if you see this (💜) before a chapter that means I wrote it. It's my first smut ever so hopefully it's good. My username on this app is ammoki. Also before ANY of you complain about the size of kiri's dick. I made it realistic! Like honestly regular dicks aren't 10, 12, 13 inches. This isn't Titans bride people! Kouichi and Caius aren't here, I mean Caius's dick is actually about 22 or 23 (yes i took the time to do the research, because I love that manga a lot.) but that's because he's a literal titan! Also Kiri's dick was 8 when hard so regularly it's 6 or 7 inches. Y'know a normal size. anyway , I just had to get that off my chest. Did i just admit I read yaoi and researched a man's dick? yes, yes i did. I'm gonna go crawl into a hole now. Bai!

Momma Ash Out

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