overhaul x fem. deku 💖💔

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background info: overhaul isn't as bad as the show portrayed him and changed a little so he wasn't as bad as he was before and midoriya is 18. she is in her third year and got her mom to help co-adopt eri since the adoption agency said they thought it would be better for her emotionally to be close to Izumi. This makes midoriya technically aizawa's daughter. Erasermic!! Erikota!! Also there is a little bit of angst.

that midoriya kid...she's clean? She isn't like the others, she's different. I can't tell if it's because she had mercy on me or if it's because after I surrendered she came by and visited me everyday but she just... she's not dirty like the others. She doesn't care about quirks...she cares about personality. It helps that she is beautiful and kind-hearted or her smarts. I never wanted to be a villain I only wanted to keep that virus out of everyone's lives so that society could be fair. So people wouldn't be judged based on what they got. She understood that... it was thanks to her and eri that i could be a hero. They both taught me that I wasn't a villain and that I shouldn't feel like one. Truthfully I never hurt eri... I never run the operation. I was just a worker and I never liked seeing her hurt. That's why I would often times take her out with me. I just i don't know wish I never made that mistake. Then again I'm also kinda glad I did. It's how I met eri and midoriya. "Izumi! Izumi! Hurry up!" In think that was eri's voice... weird when did she stop calling midoriya' ms.Deku'
...whatever i just can't wait to see those two cuties.

i can't wait to see him. It's been too long since the last time but I guess that's what happens when your apart of the big three. Eri has been bugging me about this too, I guess she got over what happened in the place where they kept her... and im glad. She finally won't be as traumatized. "Izumi! Izumi! Hurry up" eri said as she held onto my hand and ran faster. I'll never get used to the nickname change.

ERI POV (bet ya didn't expect that)
izu is taking to long. I wanna go visit Kai and tell him I completely forgive him now. I Also want izu to tell him about the change in time sentence for him. "Izu we need to go... come on we are almost there!" I said as I continued dragging the short teen behind me. When we finally got to the cell, I saw Kai stand up and greet us with a smile. "Hello midoriya, hello eri." He said with a polite smile. "Hey mr.Kai me and Izumi have been wanting to see you for a long time now... izu keeps ranting about missing you." I said mentally smirking as i saw them both blushing. SHIP!! I can't wait to see these two together. Hehe operation overdeku is a go! Mina would be so proud.

i swear to god this child will be the death of me... "u-um well i-i missed y-you of couse heh.." i said slightly panicking after realizing what eri was trying to do. "It's ok midoriya-sama plus I'm glad to here." Said overhaul slightly blushing as well. "Izumi. J-just call me Izumi..." I said turning even pinker. "Right... well 𝑖𝑧𝑢𝑚𝑖 i think if i get to
Call you hy your fidst name then you should call me by mine." he said in a casual but slightly teasing tone. "r-right ok then kai... Im gonna drop eri off so she can go to her playdate with kota and i'll be back to visit you in an hour. We both know how those two love birds get when they don't see each other." i said as i waved at him. "bye izumi..." "bye kai..." i feel like im forgetting something... Weird.

ok so she misses me... She looks adorbale while blushing... AND WE GOT TO FORST NAME BASIS! I know i don't usually act lije this but i cannot believe someone as adorable and kind-hearted as her could care so much about me. Thanks to her eri is safe and my name is officially cleared. im so proud of how grown up izumi has become. She is beautiful and that sweet personality probably has everyome hooked.


i cant stop thinking about today... or izumi. "-ai hey...KAI!" "AAAHHH" i screamed out. was so deep in thought i didn't even notice she was in front of me. "hey~ kai boo im bored can lay here with you?" izumi said in a flirty tone. blushed then replied with "s-sure Izumi..." about 5 minutes later I feel Izumi's body shift a little. She feels different now... weird. someone is staring at me. I knew it was still lunch for the prisoners and that my guard left me alone around this time so the only person who could stare at me is Izumi."I love you Izumi..." I heard giggles. "stop staring Izumi." I said in a strict but teasing tone. "g-gomen I'll leave you and toga in peace" I hear Izumi say barely higher than a whisper as a single tear slips down her cheek as she turned around. My cell bar was slightly open. I looked down to see that the person I thought was izumi turned out to be toga. She was completely naked and we were both in a very accusing position. She was later on top of me. WAIT- SHIT IZUMI THINKS WE SLEPT TOGETHER! "IZUMI WAIT ITS NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE" I screamed as I threw toga off me and ran to Izumi. "n-no it's o-ok I get i-it... this is my *sniff* karma for not confessing how I felt earlier... plus she's so much better than me. Y-you guys d-deserve e-each other. I CANT C-COMPARE!" Izumi said slightly screaming at the end as she continued to cry and slightly shake. I thought she didn't have feelings for me... I thought we were friends. "I love you Izumi... toga used her quirk to transform into you. I thought I was snuggled up with you and I thought I said 'I love you' to you..." I said voice slightly cracking as I tried making my way over to Izumi who desperately backed away. It breaks my heart seeing her so hurt over something involving me. "y-you don't h-have to lie I-it's ok g-go be happy w-with her.." she said as she sat up against a wall in the hallway of the prison. "Oh and um *sniff* good news. I got your release date to come sooner so I guess you and toga can be happy together heh" she said sounding completely broken. " I. LOVE. YOU. I LOVE YOU IZUMI MIDORIYA. YOU ARE THE ONLY PERSON FOR ME." I scream out as I ran towards her trying to comfort her and give her the reassurance she needs. " you are beautiful and perfect. So so much better than toga. It's like god made by perfect dream girl and sent her right to me. I love you. I always have and I always will." I say as I sit directly infront of her leaning down to give her a kiss. as our lips touch my entire body feels like electricity is coursing through it. The kiss was at first an innocent pec but soon turned more. We kissed passionately pouring all of our emotions into that kiss. As if this first kiss would be our last.


"so your telling me you think your worthy enough to marry my (technical..) daughter?" i said as overhaul or whatever came asking for my permission. "yes." Mic said too quickly for my liking. "no." I said even quicker as I gave both of them a glare before frowning slightly and looking at Izumi stare at him with those little sparkles in her eyes. "Maybe" I said though I still need a little more convincing. " I cook, I clean, I take care of eri like if she were my kid AND I love Izumi more than anything in this entire world so why the hell not." He said sounding slightly angry as if he wasn't backing down. I look at both of them one more time before calling inko and toshinori (don't know if I spelled it right but basically overhaul) over, telling them what over whats his face...said to me. We all gave eachother a look and then I nodded. He smiled so wide I was scared it wasn't going to fit in his face then thanked us and ran over to Izumi carrying her into the air and then giving her a pec on the cheek while holding her close into a nice long hug.

Kai and Izumi got married. They had two kids named "shoyo" a boy who was 15 and played volleyball. He was quirkless and proud as his mom was currently training him for one for all. and "nori" a girl who was 14 and had a quirk called demon. She was going to U.A. And couldn't wait to become a hero. Izumi became number one hero and Kai became a doctor and the new nurse at U.A. Eri and Kota are dating and in U.A. They are apart of the new generation of the big three and are training hard to be hero's just like Izumi. Everyone lived happily ever after... the end.

Hope you guys enjoyed this! Thanks again for requesting this and I hope it lived up to your expectations! Its 1619 words with out the backstory and this mini paragraph. Also enjoy genderbend/ fem!deku in her hero suit!

 Also enjoy genderbend/ fem!deku in her hero suit!

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