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Shinso and I got into a heated argument yesterday, we've been mad at each other ever since. Shinso came over to my dorm to collect his hoodie but I had to hop into the shower. After showering I heard a knock on my door, the door opens and shinso starts to approach me while I'm getting my towel he stares me down and I can't help but blush under his gaze. Suddenly he grabs my wrists putting them above my head and, flips me over. He started to rub my ass with one of his big hands while the other is still holding my wrists above me. Then he does the unexpected and starts to spank me. He gets near my ear and whispered "you naughty little whore. All you do is frustrate me and tease me." After hearing that I started to shiver. His warm breath on the shell of my ear and the dirty words were enough to get me impossibly harder than before. He continued to spank me while whispering dirty things in my ear which was making me moan. I couldn't take it anymore and began to beg for him to fuck me. My dick was now uncomfortably hard now and I couldn't take anymore spanks. I think shinso realized that because he dragged me to the bed and placed me so I was on all fours. He stuck a butt plug with lube around it inside of me. I looked at which one he put and it was the tail one. He started to put cat ears on my head and a collar around my neck, while he does that I go up to him in all fours ready to suck him off but instead I feel a yanking at my collar and lift my head to see him with an angry expression. I looked at him confused and he said "your doing what I want. I don't want you to suck me off yet. Now be a good kitten and sit down." I wanted to see what he'd do if I misbehaved so I pretended like I was going to sit down but instead I went down to his length and started to suck on it. To my surprise he didn't do anything to stop me, he just left me continue as I started to deepthroat him. When he came I showed him my tongue with all his cum and then swallowed it. "Wow look at how slutty this little kitten is. Are you that thirsty for me kitten? Did it satisfy you?" I felt a hand wrap around my dick as he continued to talk dirty to me. He pumped my dick with one hand while teasing my nipple with the other. As I was getting closer I moaned out "im c-close daddy" and he suddenly stopped. I whined and moaned at the fact I couldn't release. He started to give me open mouthed kisses throughout my whole body and when I felt him kiss my inner thigh I started to whine louder. He finally took my length in his mouth and started sucking on it making me moan as I felt myself get closer. I whined when he pulled back again. This went on for another 3 hour until he finally took out the collar and tail plug. He then sat me down on him and stuck his length in. "Ride" he said in a seductive voice. He grabbed onto my hips to make me move the way he wanted and after 5 minutes I came. I instantly flopped onto him as I rode my wave of pleasure but instead of being able to finish in peace I hear him say "not yet kitten daddy has to cum too" I asked him for a break but then quickly realized he was going to use his quirk.

poor kitten realized too late that I wasn't going let him stop as I used my quirk on him. "you are going to ride me till I tell you stop ok kitten." "Yes daddy." He started riding again as he was still in my control I told him to go faster and he was going at a practically inhuman pace. I started to choke him which made him slow down a little. He started to cry and moan louder than before as he came for the third time in the last half hour I could feel the butterfly stings coming for the green lights surrounding us. I couldn't take much longer and choked a little harder as I came.

shinsou continued to tease, overstimulate and torture izuku switching positions between riding, reverse cowboy, Missionary and doggy style. when he would get tired he would tell izuku to play with himself in front of him. Izuku was raw, voice gone, ass fucked out, and in total submission to shinsou. Shinso's took advantage of the and told Izuku to
Ride him one last time and if he could make shinso cum then no more. at first midoriya who going to have to do it anyways thought it was a good idea but then he slid himself back onto shinsou's length, finding the voice he lost three rounds ago as he screamed, the pain overflowing and bringing him more pleasure as her bounced up and down on shinsou's length. He was shaking, having his '100th' dry orgasm that night. (he lost count of them after 11) in his mind izuku was seething with anger at shinsou's brutal and painful attempts at punishment for the argument happening before. Izuku eventually made shinso come and by then he was about to black out. (for the 4th time that night)

I told him he could stop and stayed inside him for a couple minutes just soaking in the sight in front of me. Izu had his tongue out, drool on either side of his mouth, eyes rolled back, tears wetting his face, hair messy and some cum splattered on his face. The erotic sight turned me on more as I carried him into the bathroom. After two more rounds in the shower, I carried him to bed where we both cuddled. I don't think he's gonna be able to train the next or three days...

As I woke up I remember feeling a sharp pain on my lower back, I try standing up but lay legs buckle and I collapsed onto the floor with a loud grunt. Shinso immediately woke up and went to my side checking to make sure I wasn't hurt. "izuku are you ok?! Do you need anything like ice or a warm bath?" asked a concerned shinsou as I glared at him. "What I need is for my legs to work but apparently you think fucking me till the point that I can't walk is more important... did you even remember we were arguing or did you just think with your dick again. huh!" I said, my voice laced with pure anger and frustration. "I'm sorry izu I didn't mean to go so rough and I should've apologized and made you with you but you have to admit the sex was nice" shinso said in an apologetic tone but I was still too annoyed with the lack of leg function. "so apologetic and you feel soooo guilty but your making jokes... HOW IS THAT A GOOD APOLOGY DUMBASS!" I was annoyed and making jokes didn't change that. "No sex for 2 months. before you try and say 'wHaT aBoUt YoUr SeX dRiVe' I'll use dildos." I was serious. but apparently not enough because shinsou had tried to stifle a laugh. "3 MONTHS NOW." I said angrily limping away, he giggled and after a while he apologized correctly. but it's too late he's still staying in a 3 month dry spell.

SORRY I HAVENT BEEN POSTING! some or you wanted the shindeku from the earlier chapters and just wanted it to be changed a little so I have your request! I'm so sorry that IVE been so inactive lately but I'm back!! anyways word count: 1178 without this paragraph :)

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