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okok so I'm severely new to the whole being an author thing and also writing fluff/angst/smut but you guys seem to enjoy it and I want to thank you all for the love and support you guys give me! I posted the chapter of my new book bellicose AND i was thinking of making a haikyuu book or maybe a tpn...? Those books would come out later though. You guys comment here which one you'd like better. ALSO I CANNOT BELIEVE WE GOT TO 8K I LOVE YALL SO MUCH YOU GUYS ROCK! Now let's get on with the chapter! AUTHOR~SAMA IS OUT~😽😽

how did we get here... why did this happen? I wish he would hear me out. I just want everything to go back to normal. I wish I never befriended that snake. My best friend betrayed me. For that I can never forgive her.

poor Deku... let's all go back to when it happened. I still can't believe that little home wrecker... oh wait y'all are still here...? Oh-


SHIT. it's already 5:30 and I still haven't gotten him something. He is gonna hate me if I forgot our anniversary... why did everything have to close down again the week before our anniversary. WHY COULDN'T I BE RICH ENOUGH TO BUY THROUGH IT OR HAVE A CREDIT CARD...

MY BOYFRIEND IS GONNA HATE ME AGH! "AYE SHITTY HAIR. CALM TF DOWN I CAN PRACTICALLY SEE YOUR BRAIN CRUMBLING YOUR RELATIONSHIP." Said bakugou as he watched very annoyed at me panicked over not finding the perfect gift earlier. "y'know bakubabes right. I mean it's midoriya, he is too adorable to hurt you. He is an actual cinnamon roll." said Mina trying to calm down me, her panicked friend.

"YOU GUYS ARE RIGHT HOW COULD I EVER THINK THE CINNAMON ROLL WOULD BE MAD" I screamed out realizing I've been panicky for nothing. I walk out of my dorm room where we were all sitting and decided that I would run to his room and give him the gifts I got. (which were a box of izuku's favorite chocolates, his favorites flowers and a hand written love note like the ones izuku would give him) and that's what I did... until I got to about half way there. I started to panic and think about all the things he has done for me and given me on a regular basis. I don't deserve him.

He deserves someone like todoroki who will be able to buy him whatever his heart desires. Someone who is serious and smart. Not me. As I kept thinking about how literally everyone rich in class 1A was perfect for him but more specifically his 'bestie' todoroki i got interrupted. "Hey idiot I had a feeling you would sike yourself out. Usually I'm much nicer to you but stop being a pussy (no offense) and get your mans!" Yelled a mad pikachu as he ran towards me slightly nudging me to move along. "ALRIGHT ALRIGHT FINE!" I screamed a little annoyed as I ran to izuku's dorm. When I opened the door I could feel my heart completely shatter.

I saw uraraka kissing MY boyfriend, she was holding onto his collar and quickly opened her eyes and winked at me. "I loved you! Why would you cheat on me with her! Was I not enough for you?" I said, my voice full and anger and dispare. I ran out of his room crying not even giving him the chance to explain. I didn't know where I was running to but I knew I needed to get out of here.

kirishima ran all the way to bakugou's room. He didn't notice and he didn't care, he just opened the door closed it and broke down crying. Bakugou came outside of the closet -both literally and emotionally- and ran towards his bestfriend. He cradled him and asked him what was wrong. Kirishima explained the entire thing and broke down even more.

Bakugou on the other hand was fuming, though, he couldn't believe someone like that damn nerd Deku would do something like this. It just seemed impossible but at the moment he needed to comfort his bestfriend and make sure he fixed his broken heart.

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