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(warning: smut, cussing, and public sex. Thanks for the request btw! Feel free to request any ships and what you want from them like kinks and smut, fluff or angst. If you feel shy and don't feel comfortable enough to openly talk about what you'd prefer for a one shot then you can always send me a message and I'll try and respond and publish it as fast as I can!)

izuku midoriya messed up badly this time... "deku get your ass over here!RIGHT. NOW." bakugou screamed out as Midoriya desperately tried to escape his friends who were weirdly hitting on him. You see midoriya thought it was an amazing idea to cross dress today while going to the mall with his boyfriend. He wore a high waisted green skirt with fishnets and a black long sleeve with a green sheer shirt over it. He wore some knee high boot-heels and his (always there) blush from embarrassment. This look made the boy look seductive and innocent at the same time which definitely caught the attention of many men AND women although that wasn't what bothered bakugou. What bothered bakugou was the attention he got from their friends. At the moment izuku was surrounded by todoroki, shinso, kirishima, and kaminari. Since these were people midoriya knew he just assumed they were being nice. He didn't notice all the blushes on their faces or the flirty tone in their voice as the 'innocently' flirting. "HEY DEKU!... didn't you want to stop by hot topic for some new graphic and band shirts?" You could practically see the annoyance and jealousy oozing out of bakugou as he told midoriya that. Midoriya was clueless as ever though as he asked for five more minutes with the group that they bumped into... he just assumed he was hungry. "kacchan it was your idea to come to the food court, aren't you hungry?...why don't you eat some food while I finish catching up with roki-kun, shin-Kun, kiri-kun, and kami-kun" when bakugou heard those nicknames fall so easily from HIS deku's mouth he almost snapped. The boys on the other hand were all blushing messes, shocked by the new nicknames and how perfectly they rolled of Midoriya's tongue. "Fine... but can you come with me deku, you don't want me to feel lonely while eating do you?" Bakugou said hoping that Deku would take the bate. "wellllll...I guess I don't want you feeling lonely. Bye guys! I'll see you all back at the dorm later." midoriya said in a happy tone as he walked over to bakugo, holding his hand as he leaned into bakugou's shoulder. "I don't get why you were screaming at me before when I left your side but I can tell you're grumpy so let's get that stomach filled up Kacchan!" Midoriya said a little confused as he laid his head on bakugou's shoulder. hearing those words and looking at how adorable midoriya looked while laying on his arm, bakugou couldn't take it anymore and he dragged midoriya to the big family bathroom stall in the food court. He was semi-hard and very angry so food wasn't gonna calm him. As he got midoriya into the bathroom, he locked the door with one hand while using the other to unbutton his pants. He slowly walked over to the confused Deku and turned him around, bending him onto the bathroom stall. He slid his hand under midoriya's skirt and started to yank down his lingerie.

tch damn nerd... this lingerie looks perfect on him. If I had the patience at the moment I would take my time teasing him, pulling at it but, i don't have the patience or time. I slid off the lingerie and stuck one finger in. I pump it into him for a minute or two before sticking in two more. His soft gasps turned into semi loud moans as I start to pump faster.
After 10 minutes I notice his thighs shaking and decide to slip my fingers out. I slide myself inside slowly. "haa~ ahh~ k-kacchan~" Deku lets out, the breathy moan encouraging him to move. I started at a fast pace which earned moans from deku and a couple loud growls and grunts from myself. I slowly started to wrap my hands around deku's stomach leading myself higher as I teases deku's plush pink nipples. I remove one of my hands and wrap it around his neck giving him soft squeezes. When deku felt that he instantly got tighter. I started whispering praises in his ear with a couple of insults of course. "look at how tight you are, my perfect fucking slut" he started leaking from his tip. I pound harder and after about 20 minutes I see deku's thighs begin to quiver and shake. "So c-close d-dahh-ddy" Deku moaned out. Fuck. He came after that and it took me a few more thrusts to come. I cleaned us both up and went to eat some katsudon.

-time skip to 5 hours later-

"I'm gonna kill you kacchan. my legs still hurt and now everything else feels numb." midoriya said in a slightly annoyed tone. "sorry deku but you shouldn't have let those extras flirt with you, also if you keep wearing outfits like that it'll happen daily." bakugou said smirking, and cackling as midoriya blushed and then turned his head slightly in confusion. "What do you mean by 'you shouldn't have let those extras flirt with you'...? Nobody was flirting with me" midoriya said in confusion as he let the conversations pass in memories through his brain. "They were flirting... your just too dumb to notice ya damn nerd." Bakugou said slightly frustrated as he thought back to how those 'extras' acted with midoriya around them. "sorry kacchan is there anything I can do to make you less mad?" Midoriya said trying to avoid the argument waiting to come. "There is one thing" bakugou said slightly smirking. He suddenly moved to where midoriya was laying and started to give his thighs soft butterfly kisses. midoriya let out soft moans and gasps as bakugou got closer and closer to his length. At about an inch away from midoriya's length bakugou stopped. He starts nibbling in that area of his inner thigh and lifts his hands to spread his legs out. "k-kacchan i don't think this is a good idea... I can barely feel my legs." Midoriya said in a slightly panicked tone. "shh you said you wanted to make it up to me remember" he said smirking against midoriya's thigh then slowly sliding off midoriya's lingerie again. "Besides nerd I'm not gonna fuck you. I'm just gonna eat you out. We still need to be able to train tomorrow" bakugou said smirking as midoriya gasped. Truthfully bakugou relished in the moans he would pull out of deku and found the noises he made angelic almost. He knew today he was gonna work his tongue harder than ever because he wanted to hear midoriya's voice screaming out his name, chanting it like a prayer. He spread midoriya's cheeks and stared at the winking hole with lust in his eyes. He could feel himself getting hard but ignored it. Slowly moving his head closer he stuck the tip of his tongue in and immediately felt dazed. The hole was still leaking a little and to bakugou the taste was pure bliss. "a-ahh d-daddy ngh" midoriya panted out legs starting to shake as bakugou ate his ass out like his life depended on it. Moaning and screaming "kacchan" and "daddy" as he felt himself get closer. "A-AHH D-DADDY IM C-CLOSE" midoriya said screaming as his body shakes with pleasure. A minute after that he came. "kacchan you seem to have a big problem... need any help with it?" Midoriya said as he pointed to bakugou's pants. 'Fuck that's hot' bakugou thought as midoriya seductively crawled over, licking at the bulge through bakugou's pants.

fuck fuck fuck. If he keeps on teasing me I'm gonna go crazy. "Listen deku if you don't stop teasing me your gonna see. I said in a lust filled tone as I saw deku remove my pants. I don't know where this confidence came from but it's hot. he pulls off my boxers and his face is immediately slapped by my hard on. He wraps both hands around my length and started to pump slowly. As precut starts dropping down my dock I feel his hot, talented, tongue lick it all off the tip. He pumps for a couple more minutes before he stuck my tip completely into his mouth, tongue wrapping around it as he starts to bob his head up and down. He reaches about 3/4 of my length as he bobs down. I almost lost it when he looked up at me with an innocent look on his face. I pushed my hands into his hair, gripping tight and fucked the shit out of his throat for about ten minutes before I cum. He swallows the load and looks up at me smiling slightly then going to lay back down. "too tired..night kacchan." he said and I crawl over to him cuddling him as o say goodnight back. I kiss his forehead and we both go to sleep.

Hey guys sorry for taking so long to post... but here this is my gift as an apology...! It's "kacchan" with tats and an undercut. I hope you enjoyed and the word count with warnings or this is 1540.

 I hope you enjoyed and the word count with warnings or this is 1540

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