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HEY HEY HEY! I'm back with another chapter and I wanna say thank you so much for 6k and 100 votes you guys are amazing and feel free to request more often. Whether it's through messages like most or by comments!

kirishima... he is adorable, kind-hearted, baby shark and very jealous. Though he seems to be too adorable to hurt a soul let alone hate on one, he just can't help it whenever he sees his best friend hanging out with his boyfriend. kirishima wasn't stupid, he knew damn well that 'kacchan' was in love with his baby shark but alas it was no use since the adorable green haired sunshine of class 1A never noticed. Usually he would admit he was getting over protective over nothing but this time he had reason. There bakugou was wrapping an arm around KIRISHIMA'S baby sharks waist at a party yaomomo threw in her house. This got kirishima mad. Mad enough to drag izuku back to his house knowing his parents weren't home. At first izuku stayed silent not knowing what to say since usually his jealousy never got this bad but, eventually he asked kirishima where they were going and why he seemed so mad.


when I saw my adorable little baby shark next to his childhood friend 'kacchan' I got pissed. I decided it was time to drag him home and remind him who he belonged to. As i carried him holsted up over my shoulder, he asked where we were going. He also asked why I was mad but I just stayed quiet and continued to drag him to my house. The second we got there I pushed him against the wall, entrapping him in a deep, intense kiss while I held his hands with one hand and teased his nipple with the other. He moaned into the kiss, I took the opportunity and slid my tongue in. We fought for dominance but in the end I won. My tongue flew all over the place inside his mouth as I took the time to memorize every inch of it. I rolled our tongues together sucking the tip of his into my mouth slightly which made him moan out louder than before but still muffled.

Kirishima broke the kiss as he lifted deku up onto his shoulder carrying him upstairs barely able to contain the anger and lust the flew through his veins. Deku was too hazed by the rough kissing and the sensations his lover left on him to question anything. Once they got into the room kirishima practically threw deku onto the bed and went into his closet looking for something. Deku was confused but when he saw the toys in that box he finally understood what was happening to him. Kirishima slyly put a blindfold on midoriya and told midoriya not to take it off or he would get punished, midoriya could hear things clattering around in the box and got nervous, almost scared of what might be used. Kirishima found a vibrator and decided to surprise he boyfriend with it. He grabbed a bottle of lube and spread the cool liquid onto his fingers before pushing one in. "ahh~ kiri-" "don't call me kiri" he growled slightly as he pushed one more finger in. He hardened he finger a little making it spread more. Deku was in complete bliss and it'd only been two fingers. He moaned and moaned until his boyfriend took away his fingers and pumped more lube, this time onto the small toy in his hand. He pushed the toy inside and enjoyed as he watched Deku squirm. After 5 minutes of Deku just squirming under him, he turns the toy on and watched as Deku instantly stopped whining and started moaning again. After a few minutes kirishima changed the toy level again and deku couldn't hold his nickname in anymore. He chanted out kirishima's name which got him more and more turned on. It pissed him off so he decided to grab another one of his toys... the ball gag. Deku was shaking under him as his nipples were stimulated, the vibrator inside him pulsed and his boyfriend rubbed on his pulsing length. "baby your driving me crazy here. I can still hear your moans clearly through the gags which truly isn't helping me. If you don't stop i might just have to pull one more toy out." Said kirishima as the sadist in him peaked out. He was still enraged by the flirting and Deku turning into perfect submissive putty under him really wasn't helping. Deku tried to stay as quiet as possible but when kirishima turned a level from the vibrator up...he lost all hope. He practically screamed as he came onto his stomach. Though quickly those screams of pleasure turned into pain as he got overstimulated. Kirishima had enough so he pulled something completely new to the couple out of the box... nipple clamps. He put them on his boyfriend and watched him squirm in pain and pleasure. His boyfriend screamed out moans and begs to stop. Though he never once used the safe code they established. The clips were pushing him closer to his second orgasm. Kirishima noticed and stopped the vibrator, leaving the only form of pleasure and pain to the clamps. Deku cried out though he didn't know whether it was from relief or from sadness as his orgasm was painful but just out of reach. Kirishima positioned himself at the entrance of his boyfriend and quickly shoved himself in without warning, causing a certain green haired angel to go through his second orgasm. Kirishima turned the vibrator back on as his boyfriend sobbed under him looking completely wrecked after the overstimulation and slight edging he just went through. Kirishima pounded into deku's tight hole as he turned the vibrator on. He pulled at the nipple clamps and watched as his boyfriend shook under him, eyes rolling to the back of his head and tongue out as drool fell from his mouth. After thirty minutes of kirishima pounding his thick length inside of Deku. He felt a small puddle of heat go through his gut. "AHH EIJIROU~ PLEASE AHH" is all you could hear in the background, Deku had been through three painful orgasms, one after the other and when he heard his boyfriend grunt out "im close~" he almost cried from relief. He came one last final time before his already tight hole, tightened even tighter and milked his boyfriends length dry. Kirishima looked down at the wrecked up mess that was his boyfriend and felt satisfied, his face was flushed as drool dripped from his chin. His eyes still rolled back and his tongue lolled out while his lean and toned stomach was drenched in cum. His thighs were still shaking and he had cum dripping out his hole. Kirishima washed his boyfriend in the shower and then laid him down. He kissed his forehead and went to sleep hoping his petite adorable boyfriend wouldn't kill him for being so rough.

HEY HEY HEY! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Again Thanks for requesting and as always have an amazing day!

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