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everyone was on edge lately, though, it couldn't be blamed... they happiest couple of 1A had recently been going through a couple bumps in the road, well, more like a lot. Sunshine student izuku midoriya no longer smiled at everyone, he just waved and put his head down. Class clown number 1 series hanta has not made one joke or done something stupid in a month, the two dorks in love were now just any other relationship. The two sunshine's of the Baku squad and Deku squad no longer shared loving smiles to each other every day. You could not hear izuku's giggles every morning after aero made a joke and you no longer saw hanta make googlie eyes at his beloved boyfriend. They were completely different and everyone in class was on edge. It all started two months ago, that's when everything between those two went down hill.


izuku was walking out of sero's dorm and he looked stunning. He had a dark forest green skirt on with a black shirt tucked in, he was wearing the necklace his boyfriend gave him and a whole bunch of chains he stole from him as well, he had his boyfriends hoodie on at the moment and under that skirt he had fishnet stockings. His boyfriend loved the way he looked but was getting a little jealous with all the stares he was getting. Sero stayed quiet for a while until izuku and him got to the diner they were eating at. When they got there the waiter immediately took a liking to izuku and flirted with him right in front of hanta and izuku being completely oblivious to it, didn't say anything to stop the situation. The waiter continuously flirted with izuku throughout the night until sero snapped and grabbed izuku a little roughly as he kissed him passionately. Izuku was left dazed and confused but one thing was for sure, he was annoyed. Throughout the day hanta was being a little cold to izuku, at first he would just get slightly angry but as the day continued hanta would get more jealous and push izuku farther from him so, when hanta get jealous and kissed izuku it felt terrible... like he was a doll. When they got back to the dorm they started arguing and it was very apparent to everybody that something happened. After that the fights continued, izuku would wear something he liked, people would stare and some would flirt then hanta would push izuku away and finished off either starting a fight physically with the flirt or doing some overprotective claim over izuku in front of everyone. for (2) months this continued on and everyone saw how it affected them. Katsuki was worried the most though he would never admit it izuku was his best friend, and of course hanta was always close with katsuki seeing as he was apart of the squad. katsuki decided he would reach out to izuku and hanta, lead them out to a fancy little dinner, make them speak to each other and hopefully resolve all the issues they had, and that's exactly what he did...

I can not believe that bakugou wants me to meet him in the forest near our school... maybe he is finally gonna keep his promise and murder me? whatever at this point anything is better than being in the dorm... I'm walking over there and then I saw it, a nice big candle light dinner with him and izu waiting there. were they going on a date..? whatever I rather not be here anyways.

Hanta was walking over there, thoughts filling his head when he saw it. A beautifully set candé light dinner, his friend katsuki and his boyfriend waiting there. izuku looked beautiful to him but he didn't want to stay... he could not bare to see his close friend and boyfriend on a date. For once in his entire relationship with izuku he didn't feel jealous, he just felt pained. as he went to turn around he heard footsteps. Katsuki ran to hanta and quickly dragged him over to the dinner. as he was dragging hanta he kept mumbling "oh no you don't, I didn't do all this hard work for nothing." As sero listened closely to the mumbling he realized that he is an idiot. that his boyfriend wasn't about to cheat on him with katsuki. he yanked his arm back from katsuki's hand and apologized for almost walking away, he went next to izuku as they both just stood awkwardly. Izuku was too far to hear the mumbles coming from katsuki so he did not know what was going on at the moment. "Your relationship is too annoyingly cute to split up because of some idiotic bickering. Now stay here at this dinner and don't leave until you've talked things out. You've been worrying the extras." Said a very annoyed katsuki as he started to walk away. Before he completely left izuku yelled thank you and both izuku, and hanta sat down. "so... what should we talk about?" Hanta said trying to avoid any awkward silence as they ate together. "I don't know maybe about how you always get jealous and never have enough faith in me to handle the situation" said a pissed off izuku. Izuku was mad he had to sit through an awkward dinner with hanta, especially since hanta never once apologized for all his jealousy and controlling behavior. "you know what, maybe we should talk about how you wore the most revealing clothing and never bothered to tell anyone who flirted with you to stop." Said a now mad hanta, he couldn't understand why izuku was so mad about him claiming izuku... they were together for a reason y'know. "Oh is that how you saw everything... poor little hanta got mad because I wore clothes that made me feel pretty and people started complimenting me god forbid anyone other than you finds me cute." izuku said as rage coursed through him. "right of course 'complimenting' that's all~ it is right? Right? Wrong. All they did was flirt with you but you are too naive to notice. Poor little innocent izuku, god you really are just a dumb Deku." when hanta said that and he saw izuku's face contort from anger to just pure sadness he felt terrible.. he tried apologizing and fixing it but he couldn't. As izuku walked off annoyed, and hurt. He heard hanta say two things both hurting him deeply. "get back here. NOW!" Was the first... it wasn't brutal or anything it's just the tone he used izuku that hurt. the second thing he said broke izuku's heart completely. "If you walk out and leave then we are done. No more pity fights, no more I love you's, we are done." Izuku could tell hanta was serious and that broke him. "hanta sero I hate you with all my heart." He said a little louder than a whisper before walking out, sobbing. "You know what izuku I hate you too." Screamed a pissed off hanta. He felt heartbroken as well.
Hanta stayed there depressed and annoyed not knowing what chaos was coming for izuku.

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