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(warning: smut, cussing, rough sex. Thanks for the request btw! Feel free to request any ships and what you want from them like kinks and smut, fluff or angst. If you feel shy and don't feel comfortable enough to openly talk about what you'd prefer for a one shot then you can always send me a message and I'll try and respond and publish it as fast as I can!) YOU GUYS ARE SO AMAZING!! also this is omega verse because a lot of people requested it if you guys don't like it then I'll make a new kirideku! I'm also working on another kamideku! For those who don't know how the omega verse works I'll tell you what's important to the story. The ranks are top one: alpha...middle: beta....lowest: omega. Omegas have heats which is similar to a period except instead of bleeding blood (normalize talking about periods casually) they need physical affection from alphas. They get cramps and usually get more sexually active during that period of time. All omegas can get pregnant whether a boy or girl. Also while their heats are happening they let out sweet smells that usually smell a lot like them. It's like their smells of arousal. That's all you need to know for right now.

I'm worried about midobro... he is acting a lot weirder than usual. So is Bakubro... he doesn't hang out with us much at all i fact he doesn't even go to his room. He keeps visiting midobros room. I'm starting to feel a little jealous to be honest... midobro is so adorable... sometimes I think he is an omega but then I remember he said he was a smaller than average beta. As I walked to midobro's room some sweet, enchanting smell caught my nose. It smelled like honey, cinnamon and vanilla. At first I assumed the sweet smells came from Bakubro but I quickly realized this smell was one of an omega's heat smells. I start to get curious as to who the smell belonged to so I barge in. I did not expect what I saw...

Tch....damn shitty hair barged into deku's room and caught us cuddling. I'm sure he smelled the heat scent and came over. "LEAVE. NOW. DAMN SHITTY HAIR!" I screamed out, deku's heat bringing a more protective side of my alpha body. "K-kacchan d-don't scream p-please" Deku whimpered out. I forgot he was still sensitive. "Tch... sorry you damn nerd." I said in a low enough voice that only me and him could hear. "I- What. The. Fuck." Shitty hair said in a confused but mad tone. Izuku whimpered and held onto me tighter. With two alphas in the room and the tensión between us that damn nerd must going into full panic mode. I quickly stood up to push shitty Jaír out of the room. I needed to make sure he wouldn't tell anyone about that damn nerd being an omega... in this society deku would be eaten alive. They wouldn't let him become a hero...
"listen shitty hair... you can't tell anyone about the fact that deku is a fucking omega." I said in a low toman slightly growling at him. "of course I'm not you idiot." He snarled back. I'm shocked he said something like that... "And I want you to stay away from midobro i can help him with his heat. I don't trust his past and current bully 'friend' to take care of him right now." He said snarling again only louder, his voice booming with protectiveness. I growled about to argue back but I heard a loud whine coming from deku's room."SHIT. he is in full heat now." I say slightly panicked knowing he won't be able to hold himself back now. "Im going in and you are staying here." Shitty Hair said while running into the room and locking the door. FUCK I can't break the door because they reinforced it so I wouldn't be able to sneak in and scare/blow deku up anymore. I'm stuck now... shitty hair is in a room with my crush and he is in heat. JUST FUCKING GREAT.

I didn't think this through... I'm stuck with my crush who is in full blown heat and is currently doing the unimaginable for the innocent bean. He is pumping fingers into himself, looking at me with his eyes half lidded as he panted and moaned out my name. I felt myself getting hard and I could barely, just barely keep control. When he noticed I was fighting it he crawled out of his window. GREAT NOW I GOTTA CHASE HIM. "Midobro come back. Please don't make me chase you." I said slightly panicked as I ran towards the woods. "sorry alpha but I won't stop until you help me" he said in a soft yet seductive voice still running away from the dorms into the woods. I chased after him for five minutes till he tripped. I ran over to him trying to check him to see what was wrong... "you fell for it alpha" He pushed me onto my back and straddled me pushing his length against mine as he brutally attacked my lips. I can't hold back anymore... his scent, his lips kissing mine roughly, his length pressed against's all too much. I push him so that he is in his back and I'm in between his legs. I bit his bottom lip softly asking for entrance, he immediately complied. "such an obedient little omega. you want your alpha that bad?" I whispered into the shell of his ear.
I started to undress myself, slowly giving a show for my under heat omega. He lightly growled as he started to strip himself to only boxers. When I'm fully naked he crawls up to me making whimpering noises, looking at me with begging eyes as he stared at my dick which was about 10.5 inches. I nod giving him the permission he looked for as he starts to lick the tip. "Don't tease me izuku" I growled out. He took the hint and stuffed half my length down before it reached the back of his throat. He slowly let it inch down his throat until it was fully inside. He bobbed his head, licking the bottom as he continued to hollow his cheeks and set pace. After 15 minutes I came and he swallowed it all down... fuck I think he got me hard again.
"Alpha.. n-need you I-inside me" he whimpered out. I nodded putting him in doggy position and instantly pushing my length in, no warning or prep since he fingered himself earlier in the room. I slowly started to thrust in and out of him. He gave a breathy moans and pleas to thrust faster. I gave in thrusting fast but still hard. After five minutes of thrusting I found his prostate and started to abuse it, constantly hitting it with rough thrusts. I turned him around without disconnecting our lower halves (thankfully izuku is freakishly flexible) as He wrapped his legs around my waist and I bent down to suck on one of his nipples, lightly pulling at the other. He back a moaning mess in my hands. His face resembled the ahegao face girls make. He looked so hot right now, his moans turning me on even more as I pounded into him roughly not holding anything back anymore completely losing myself in his tight, dumby thick, ass. I continued my pace but instead of sucking on his nipple I suck on his neck and let a hand slide down to his member. I pumped it at the same animalistic speed I was thrusting into him with. "Kyahh alpha so big" he moaned out, "call me eiji baby" I said as I continue to thrust into him. That pushed him over the edge making him impossibly more tight around me. "E-EIJI AHH~" he moaned (more like screamed out.) After seeing his ahegao face, hearing his moans as he screamed out my name and lastly the impossible tightness I quickly give a couple more sloppy thrusts and cum in him.
"happy now baby? Did that help your heat." I said slightly sarcastically. "Drop the attitude eiji but yes it did help. Thanks babe" izuku said blushing. -Who knew the cinnamon roll could be so badass and freaky- they each thought about eachother before kirishima lifting both of them. Quickly getting dressed so they could sneak into izuku's dorm and clean up.

-time skip to the next day

I woke up remembering last night instantly... I don't know how I had so much confidence but I'm glad I did. Now I have to muster up every last bit of confidence from yesterday to ask izuku to be my boyfriend.

I really like kiri but I don't know what to do. I lost all confidence from yesterday, I woke up probably around two or three minutes after kiri but I pretended to be asleep, wanting to enjoy this moment for as long as possible. "Izuku, izuku baby wake up... I have something important to tell you," kirishima said in a soft, tender voice. I slowly opened my eyes, pushing myself closer to his chest as if I really had just woken up. " what's wrong eiji?" I asked slightly worried with the tone he used. "izuku midoriya will you go out with me and become my boyfriend?" Kirishima asked nervously, blushing while asking. "YES! OF COURSE I WILL" I shouted out way to excited to care about the peaceful students asleep in their dorms. "oh thank god. I felt like I was going to die or something" kirishima said. "Eiji I love you..." I said blushing staining my cheeks. "I love you too izu." He said smiling. We ended up going on a fancy date and then cuddled in my dorm room. It was perfect and I'm so glad I got lucky enough to have eiji. Best week ever!

The end for this one. I'm posting one more oneshot this week ok? Bye guys. 1460 words without parenthesis, warning, intro, and this conclusion. In total: 1713 words total

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