💜 Todobaku + Kirideku

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I Don't Understand
A story by Ammoki

For weeks todoroki was at a loss when it came to a certain hot headed classmate. Overall Katsuki Bakugou was interesting, yes, he was cocky, loud, boisterous, and arrogant. However Todoroki didn't mind any of that at all; he actually liked it, and that's how his problem started. Shoto Todoroki, the monotone, seemingly emotionless, stoic faced student of class 1-A was experiencing something he hadn't experienced in a long time. He was actually feeling things, all sorts of things but only for katsuki bakugou and he couldn't understand why, however he was willing to get to the bottom of it.

It was currently a regular day in the dorms. Class was over so everybody was chilling in their rooms or in the common rooms doing their own thing. The Bakusquad were chilling together playing video games, while the deku squad was talking about the latest hero news courtesy of deku who brought up the topic. Howver Shoto was focused on his shirt tempered classmate across the room. He kept subconsciously staring at him trying to figure out how to bring up the topic of how he is feeling towards the blond and why he is feeling it. Bakugou felt someone staring at him and turned around to lock eyes with shoto. Truth be told he liked todoroki too, he knew it was a crush but also didn't know how to go about it. So he decided to tease Todoroki and flash him a genuine smile, and that was the tipping point for poor Shoto Todoroki.

The males heart skipped a beat as his cheeks heated up, his legs feeling like jelly as his stomach started doing flips. Todoroki tried to shut down to process the sudden onslaught of emotions but couldn't and ended up getting overwhelmed not understanding what's going on. He quickly got up as he felt scared and confused, beginning to have a panic attack not knowing what's going on. He tried to keep a stone face while he got up and scurried off to his room , unaware of a certain blonde hot on his trail. As soon as he got to his room he collapsed onto the floor, leaning against a wall for support as he tried to calm his still beating heart as thoughts, emotions and feelings swirled in a tornado in his head.

Bakugou pounded at the door hearing the heavy breathing of the other boy, so making an executive choice he risked it and opened the door only to find the youngest todoroki sibling was trembling in confusion and hyperventilating, his brain going at a million miles an hour while the feisty male in front of him tried to reach him. "no don't touch me! Don't fucking touch me!!" The blond gazed at his heterochromatic classmate while tears of confusion, guilt, and sadness collected on the lids of his scarlet eyes. He wouldn't have teased him if he knew it would trigger him this badly. Bakugou crouched down and got as close as he could to Todoroki "Icy Hot what's wrong? please tell me" Shoto looked up and gave him a look as if he was stupid, as he backed away. "you!! you are what's wrong!!" Bakugo was taken back by this statement. "Wait, what why? What did I do ?"

Shoto growled and dug his fingers in his scalp in an attempt to ground himself as he tried to form words. "You..You're just so.... confusing!!!! And what you do to me is so strange and scary and I can't handle it right now. You're terrifying and you don't even know why and that's even scarier." Bakugou tried to pull himself together as he slowly but carefully took shoto's hands away from his hair so he wouldn't hurt himself. "Hold on Shoto, what did I do? Did I hurt you-" "YES! NO maybe...i think? I don't know! You...you confuse me and that hurts because i'm never confused you make me feel weird sensations, and you always make my heart hurt but also flutter, and you upset my stomach, and i know my quirk is half fire related but for some reason when I see you my face goes all heated up without my quirk." Although the blond was confused he stayed silent and let the boy ramble on, finding it adorable how much he was talking and also shocking how much pain and confusion was in his usually monotone voice.

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