💜 dekubaku 💖

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...*shyly peeks out of a corner and waves with sweater paws* Hi.....So um my name is Ash, I'm gonna be writing on this page occasionally. I actually wrote this oneshot that was requested by . It's my first ship oneshot so I hope you like it. I'm super nervous to be posting this but hopefully you like. I do write on wattpad my username is ammoki. Anyway happy reading * Runs back to my little corner*

Comforting Silence

by ammoki

Izuku would usually always be in the library at the end of the day, relaxing on one of the various comfy seating arrangements while reviewing his notes. So there he was in a bean bag chair with tea on the side table and a notebook in his scarred hands. The entire atmosphere was quite serene, calming, and relaxing, he let the silence surround him as he delved deeper into what he scribbled down about today's lesson. Everything was peaceful.....until a certain blonde burst through the doors.Said blonde charged through the once calm library with his head held down as he launched himself into Izuku's lap wrapping his arms around him and hiding his face in Izuku's collarbone. Izuku was not really shocked by his lover's interruption even though the other students were, however Izuku was used to sudden outbursts from his blond. Izuku was actually upset about the fact she dropped his notes andt the page got bent, he pouted at that as he wrapped his arms around Kacchans waist and stroked his hair.

"What happened puppy?" Izuku said softly. "Shut up deku...just cuddle me." Izuku smiled softly and nodded at this, as he leaned back and cuddled kacchan. This kind of behavior isn't uncommon for the blonde despite his character he is actually a huge cuddle bug. Katsuki will commonly barge in and ask for cuddles at random times. He chuckles softly at the memory of Kacchan blasting down the bathroom door while Izuku was in the shower. Now Izuku didn't care if Kacchan saw his body because they grew up together so they constantly had baths together, believe him. Inko and Mitsuki used the pictures as blackmail all the time. The blonde opened the shower and hugged Izuku clothes on him and everything and Izuku simply shook his head and kept on with his shower.

After a while he heard soft snores coming from the human on top of him and he picked up Katsuki as well as his notes and carried them to his room. He laid down the blond on his (Izuku's) bed. He then went over to his desk to finish his studying. At one point during his study sessions he must have zoned out because when he came to he saw that his entire page was filled with notes, that weren't about school but about a certain blond. The entire notebook page filled with small drawings of Kacchan.

This happens more often than not, and usually when it happens he will show them to Kacchan who will always rip the page from his notebook. Which admittedly made Izuku sad, and he would take into and stuff into his pocket saying "This is mine now." and then he'd never see the photos again. He usually wondered where the drawings went until one day when he was cleaning Kacchans room, and found a small scrapbook with a heart that held all the drawings izuku ever did of him and them together. He blushed when he found it but then put it back into it's original spot. Talking about the blond he looked over at him as a light blush crawled up his cheeks. Kacchan always looked so peaceful and calm when he was asleep. Izuku eventually got tired and went to his bed and snuggled up with Kacchan before falling to a restful slumber

Later on he was awoken by a strange shuffling noise. He carefully got up and rubbed his eyes as he stretched his arms and yawned. Usually people would be terrified, alert and frantic if they woke up to hear shuffling sound, however there are two particular reasons as to why Izuku was not scared. 1, It was probably just Kacchan. 2, If it isn't kacchan the he can probably easily take down the person because he is strong. Anyway he got up and looked around to see what was the cause of the noise only to find his boyfriend pouting and sitting on the floor in front of his mini fridge looking on the verge of tears. Izuku cooed at the sight and a slight frown made it's way onto his face because he hated to see his usually upbeat and energetic boyfriend on the verge of a breakdown. He stood up and walked over there and sat next to him as Izuku put his head on Kacchans shoulder. Kachan put his head on top of Izuku's head as they intertwined hands. A moment of comfortable silence with slight tension washed over the lovers before Izuku spoke up.

"Kacchan, why are you crying?" The blond grunted and looked away "I'm not crying, ya damn nerd. I just poked my eye after getting upset that you don't have any spicy food." Izuku rolled his eyes at His Blond's stubbornness. "Kacchan...You know that's not where I keep my spicy food, I always put it over in that cupboard. You know that, So i'll ask again. Why were you crying?" The blond turned away and tucked his head into his knees. "I-I'm just tired you shitty nerd...I'm tired of being criticized and insulted 24/7, I'm physically drained from being so damn angry all the time, and I'd like to change it but I already but a name for myself as the hot headed egomaniac of class 1-A. Yes i'm loud and irritated easily but that doesn't mean, people have to be so rude about it...I....I don't know...I'm just tired."

The blond lifted his ruby eyes and only then did Izuku notice the bags under kacchans eyes. He scooped up the blond into his arms and softly wiped his tears. He stayed silent and softly stroked Kacchans hair because he knows that when kacchan vents he doesn't like words of encouragement or reassurance he likes silence to collect his thoughts. So Izuku carried Kacchan to his bed and turned on their favorite movie, My Neighbor Totoro, as well as an assortment of both spicy and mild chips and snacks and there they spent the day watching the movie and enjoying each other's company.

At the end of the night they shared a gentle yet passionate kiss, with Izuku's arm wrapped around Katsuki's waist, Their tongues dancing with each other a warm blush spreading to their cheeks as Izuku trunks into a literal strawberry and Katsuki into a tomato. After a minute they separate with a line of spit connecting their lips as they gaze lovingly into each other's eyes. Izuku cups Katsuki's cheek with his hand, and rubs his cheek. "I love you puppy." Katsuki smirked his iconic smirk and replied with "I love you too zuzu." Izuku's face lit up again at the new nickname, and ke kissed Kacchan again. Afterwards the both snuggled together as Izuku spooned Katsuki and they fell into a peaceful sleep.

1130 words (Without Authors notes)

Hey! So I hope you enjoyed the story I wrote. I have my own page as well if you're interested in it. My username is ammoki. By the way I do have permission from the author to post here so yeah, Can you give me feedback? I don't know if this is good or not but hopefully you like it so yeah....Anyway thanks for reading!

Momma Ash out <3

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