Chapter 11

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You groaned as your alarm clock went off. Your body was killing you. Sadly, you had to wake up and be out of the hotel by 11 am.

You shake Luke awake but he doesn't budge. "Luke." You say while shaking him.

He groans but keeps laying there with his eyes closed.

"Luke. Wake up. We have to leave the hotel soon." You remind him.

"What time is it?" He mumbles, as he shoves his face in the pillows.

"10:15 am." You say.

He sighs and gets up and stretches. He was not looking forward to driving home. Especially if he has to stop every five minutes so you can pee. He checks his phone and sees some texts from your friends saying that they are at the house decorating. The party was going to start at 3 pm. It was a three hour drive home and he figured he could waste and hour to an hour and a half getting breakfast.

Luke hops in the shower quick and brushes his hair and teeth before putting his bathroom stuff away. He finishes packing soon and makes sure he has everything before he sits on the bed, playing on his phone while he waits for you.

Once your ready, he grabs his phone charger out of the outlet and shoves it in his bag and takes your bag and his bag and walks to the elevator.

"What a gentleman." You smile.

He smiles back and pushes the button. He yawns and waits for the doors to open up. Once they open, he walks inside and pushes the lobby button. When the doors open in the lobby, he walks to the desk and checks you guys out. He walks to the car then and puts the bags in the trunk.

He gets in and buckles after that and starts the car. "Where do you want to go for breakfast?"

You think. "IHOP?"

He nods and starts to drive there. He remembers seeing one down the block from the hotel. He gets there soon and parks and gets out. He locks the car once you guys are out and walks to the door.

You both walk inside and he walks up to the host stand.

"Hello, how are you?" They ask, looking at him.

"I'm good, thank you." He smiles. "Table got two please?"

The girl nods and leads him to a table. She puts the menus down when she gets there and looks at Luke. "Not to be rude or anything, but are you Luke Hemmings?"

"Yes I am." He smiles.

"Oh wow. I didn't want to ask at first because I didn't want to intrude on your time off, but I couldn't help myself." She blushes.

He chuckles, "it's no problem. Would you like to get a picture?"

"Yes please, if you don't mind." She smiles.

He nods and she takes her phone out. He takes a few selfies with her and signs a piece of paper for her before she thanks him a million times and walks away.

"She was cute." He smiles, sitting down.

"Cuter than I am?" You ask.

"No." He answers while looking at the menu.

You nod and look at the menu too. You both pick out what you want and the server comes over to take the orders. He writes the orders down and goes to put them in.

Luke looks around. He can't help but imagine what the baby is going to be like. He really wanted a mini me. He wanted a baby that he could teach guitar to in the future. He often feared that the child would have no interest in music like he does though. If they didn't, that was okay, he didn't want to force them to. But at the same time, he wanted to rock out with them.

"Penny for your thoughts?" You ask him.

"I'll sell them for a dollar." He says.

"I don't think they're worth that much babe." You joke.

He chuckles and sips his coffee that the server brought out while he was lost in thought.

"Soooo?" You ask, wanting to know.

"It's nothing." He says.

"Are you sure? You were pretty spaced out." You tell him.

He nods, not wanting to talk about the baby in fear he'll slip up and accidentally spoil the baby shower. He's surprised he could keep it from you this long. He was just hoping you weren't going to get mad and break up with him again for keeping this a secret, like you did when he was going on tour.

When the food comes out, you both start eating. You eat in complete silence. You didn't know what was wrong with Luke but he seemed like he didn't want to talk about anything. You didn't know if you did anything to upset him but you didn't want to push him. You didn't want or like drama.

Little did you know, when you got home there would be a party for you. Brittany, Sabrina, Rachel, Crystal and Sadie were going to be there. Maybe a few other people too, but you didn't really have any other friends. The boys were going to be there to keep Luke entertained.

Luke pays the check soon and you both walk out to the car. He gets in and starts it and starts to drive.

You look out the window and watch cars pass you.

"I had a lot of fun this weekend." You smile.

"Good, I'm glad." Luke says.

You smile and lean over and kiss his cheek. He smiles. You hum along to the song on the radio and keep looking out the window.

You both get home soon and he parks. "I'll grab the bags later."

"Okay." You smile. You didn't feel like carrying your bag in now. You just wanted to go lay down in your own bed and relax.

He texts the girls that you're home and walks to the door. You follow him and walk inside.

"Surprise!!" Your friends jump out and scream.

Best Years - Luke Hemmings (sequel to Lonely Hearts)Where stories live. Discover now