Chapter 2

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You were driving to your parents house to tell them the good news. You weren't nervous because they know you and Luke have been trying for one and they will be so happy for you. Luke unfortunately couldn't make it due to work, but that's okay. You couldn't wait any longer to tell them.

You pull up and walk inside their house. "Hi." You say as you spot them in the living room watching their favorite tv show together.

"Hey honey. How are you?" Your mom asks.

"I'm good." You smile. "I have something to tell you."

"Oh no. What did you break now?" Your dad asks.

"Nothing." You laugh. "Nothing you need to fix dad."

"Good. What is it then?" He asks.

"I'm pregnant." You smile.

"Finally!!" Your mom smiles. "I'm going to be a grandma."

"Yes." You smile. "Yes you are."

They give you hugs and you can't help but tear up. They were so happy for you. They knew you wanted to be a mom more than anything in the world. That's all you ever talked about growing up.

"Do you have any names picked out yet?" Your dad asks.

"No, I don't even know the gender yet." You remind him.

"Always keep your options open." He says. "Start thinking about it now, otherwise the day will come where he or she is born and you'll still be struggling to pick out a name."

"Did you guys have that problem?" You ask them.

"No, but I know people who have." He says.

You nod and start to get nervous. What if you and Luke couldn't decide on a name? What if you didn't like the names he picked? What if it was the other way around? Would your baby be nameless forever?

You bite your lip. You had no idea what names he liked. Yes, you still have 9 months to talk about it, but it shocked you that you never have before. You were too busy focusing on getting pregnant to discuss things like that.

"What's wrong?" Your mom asks.

"Nothing, just thinking about the future." You say.

"It will all be okay. In nine months, I will have a beautiful grandbaby with a beautiful name." She smiles.

Maybe she's right, maybe it will end up that way.

Once Luke was done at work, he went back to the house and FaceTimes his mom.

"Hello?" She answers.

"Hey mom." He smiles.

"Hello baby, what's up?" She asks.

"Not much, you?" He asks.

"Not much, just hanging out with your brothers. They love me enough to not leave me." She jokes.

He rolls his eyes and smiles. "Oh shush, you know I love you."

"I know, I know." She laughs.

"Sooo I have news." He says.

"Yes?" She asks.

"Kaitlyn's pregnant." He tells her.

"Is it your baby?" She asks.

"Mom." He says.

"I'm joking Luke. I'm happy for the two of you." She smiles.

"You are?" He asks.

"I am." She says.

"Thank you." He smiles.

"I'm going to come down and visit soon, I'll help you guys out." She says.

"Okay, thank you." He says.

They talk for a few minutes more before Luke hears you walk inside.

"Got to go mom, love you." He tells her.

"Love you too." She says and hangs up.

He walks downstairs to the kitchen and walks up behind you and wraps his arms around your waist. He kisses your cheek, "how are you my love?"

"Tired." You smile. "My parents are very excited."

"Good. I told my mom and she was excited." He says.

You smile and sip some water as he kisses you on the head again before pulling away. "I also have some news."

"What's up?" You ask.

"My mom said she's coming to visit and she can stay a while to help with with baby things and to be here when the baby is born." He says.

"What? Why?" You ask.

"She misses us." He says.

"No offense but I don't want to... deal with your mom for that long. She hates me." You say.

"No she doesn't, don't be ridiculous. She used to not be a fan of yours but she loves you now." He says.

"She criticizes everything I do." You say.

"Same." He says.

"That's different, she's your mom." You roll your eyes.

"Yes but she's your mother-in-law. It's also just the way she is. She's Liz Hemmings, the mom of everyone. Just ask the boys." He says.

You sigh. "I don't want to fight you on this."

"Then don't." He says.

"Is she staying with us or in a hotel?" You ask.

"I told her she can stay in our guest room." He says.

"Without talking to me first?" You ask.

"She's my mom." He argues.

"I'm your wife." You argue back.

"You didn't give birth to me." He says.

"The guest room is supposed to be the nursery." You yell.

"We have more than one guest room." He yells back. "I paid for this damn house, I can have whoever the fuck I want stay in it."

"Fine." You say and storm to the bedroom and slam the door.

You breathe in and out a few times, remembering that stress isn't good for the baby. You were just so mad. How could Luke do this without asking you first?

You didn't believe that Liz liked you. She's always been distant towards you. You wanted to set up the nursery and do other things for the baby by yourself. You didn't want her hovering and judging you.

You let out a few angry tears and wipe them away when Luke walks in the door.

"What?" You ask him angrily.

"If you really don't want my mom here, she doesn't have to stay here. She'll stay in a hotel.. with me." He says.

"What?" You ask.

"I'm not going to stay somewhere my family members aren't wanted. I'm sorry but my mom has to come first. No matter what she's always been there for me. I can't just tell her she isn't welcomed here." He says.

"So you're just going to leave me and the baby? Just like that?" You ask.

"The baby isn't born yet, you'll be fine. I'm spending the night in the guest room." He says grabbing pjs and his pillow.

"Fine. Whatever. I don't give a shit anymore." You say.

He slams the door behind him and walks to the guest room.

Forget the future, all you cared about was right now. If everything was getting messed up now, there would be no future.

You just needed to live in the present. You needed to work these problems out and fast so nothing happens to the baby. If it isn't already too late.....

Best Years - Luke Hemmings (sequel to Lonely Hearts)Where stories live. Discover now