Chapter 5

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"Are you ready?" You ask Brittany.

"I'm really nervous." She says.

"You'll be fine." You smile and get your phone out so you can start recording whenever she was ready.

She nods and makes sure she has the ring before walking over to Sabrina.

Sabrina was currently taking pictures of the beautiful scenery around her. They loved hiking together and Brittany found a new trail and told Sabrina that you wanted to tag along because you wanted to be healthier for the baby. Sabrina believed it and had no clue what was coming.

She taps on Sabrina's shoulder and as Sabrina turns around, Brittany gets down on one knee. "Oh Sabrina. Ever since the day that I met you, I knew you were the one I wanted to spend forever with. You make me the happiest I've ever been my whole entire life. I can't imagine growing old with anyone else, nor do I want to. You make me such a better person than I once was. I love you with my whole heart. Will you do me the honors of becoming my wife?" She asks.

You watch Sabrina start to tear up and nod, "of course. A million times yes." She cries.

You smile as they kiss and stop filming once they pull apart.

"Wow, the ring is beautiful." She smiles.

"I was hoping you'd love it." Brittany smiles. "I picked it out because it's aquamarine."

"That's my favorite part." Sabrina smiles.

Seeing all this romance made you realize that you missed Luke and that you've been acting like a bitch. He didn't have to apologize, you did.

Once you get back to your car, you get in and buckle and drive to the hotel that he's staying at. When you get there, you walk to the elevator. You had texted the boys and got the floor and number of his room. You push the button and wait and then walk in when the doors open. You push the button that says 3 and wait as it slowly goes up. You tap your foot impatiently and walk out when the doors open. You search for his room number and find it shortly. You take a deep breath and knock on the door. You wait a few seconds before Liz comes and opens the door.

"Hey, is Luke here?" You ask.

"Yes, he's taking a shower." She tells you.

"Can I come in? I need to talk to both of you." You tell her.

She nods and lets you in. You smile and walk in. "I'm really sorry," you start telling her. "My hormones are all out of wack and I get angry and sad and I know that's not an excuse but I never meant to hurt your or Luke."

She nods. "Okay. I think you have more to talk about with Luke than me."

Luke walks out of the bathroom and looks at you. "What are you doing here?" He asks confused.

"I'm here to apologize. I'm so sorry. I'm stupid and I messed up. I should have never got mad at you for wanting your mom to come stay with us." You tell him.

"I'll give you two some privacy." Liz says, walking out of the room.

He looks at you. "Not only did you hurt my feelings, but you also hurt my mom's feelings really badly."

"I'm sorry. I know I'll never make this up to you guys but I really am sorry and I want you to come home Luke." You say.

"I don't know.." he says.

"Please." You beg. "I want you and your mom to come back with me."

He thinks about it. "Fine."

You smile and hug him tightly. He kisses your head. "I missed you." You tell him.

"I missed you too." He says.

You smile and peck his lips. Liz walks back into the room soon and looks at you guys. "I see you made up." She says.

"Yes." You smile. "I really am sorry Liz. It would mean the world to me if you came and stayed with us."

"I think I'm just going to head back to Australia." She says.

"What? Why?" Luke asks.

"I don't want to intrude. Plus the baby won't be here for a while, I'll come back when it's closer." She says.

"But mom, I need you. I don't know what I'm doing, or what to buy or anything for that matter." Luke tells her.

She smiles. "You guys don't need me. You'll do fine on your own. Everyone must learn on their own."

"Please don't go back yet." You say to her.

"I'll be back before you know it, and next time I'll stay in a hotel and out of your way." She says.

You sigh. "Can you at least come back with us until you leave?"

She smiles. "I would love to."

You smile and wait for them to pack their stuff. When they finish, they walk to the elevator and go down to the lobby where they check out.

They go in his car back to the house and you go in yours.

Once you all get there, you walk inside and you see Luke and Liz being all secretive.

"What's going on?" You ask.

"We have a surprise for you." Luke says.

"What is it?" You ask.

They smile and lead you up to the nursery. "Close your eyes."

You close your eyes and they lead you into the room.

"Okay, open your eyes." Luke says.

You open your eyes and look around. You were in awe. Everything was white so no matter what gender you were having, it would work well.

 Everything was white so no matter what gender you were having, it would work well

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"I hope you love it. I didn't want to wait to find out the gender, I wanted to surprise you with this so maybe you'd forgive me faster, but you already did before we surprised you." He says.

"I love it. It's beautiful... when did you do all of this?" You ask.

"Brittany told me that you were staying over her house to do the proposal hike early in the morning, so my mom and I and a few people that helped stayed here all night and did this. We hoped you wouldn't come in here before we could show you." He says.

"Who else helped?" You ask.

"The boys and their ladies." He smiles.

"Well remind me to thank them later. I love it."  You smile widely.

"Good, I'm glad." Luke says before pecking your lips.

You smile when he pulls away and hug him and then hug Liz. "Thank you guys so much."

"Anything for you." They smile.

You couldn't decide what you were more happy about. The beautiful nursery or the fact that Luke was finally home for good.

Best Years - Luke Hemmings (sequel to Lonely Hearts)Where stories live. Discover now