Chapter 15

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"Leo, please stop crying baby." You sigh.

It's currently 3 am and he won't stop crying. You've tried to feed him, give him a pacifier, change him.. Luke even tried singing to him and nothing was working.

Usually Luke singing to him put him to sleep. Tonight nothing was working.

"Hey Luke, can you grab me the baby thermometer?" You ask.

He nods and goes and gets it for you. He bring it to you when he has it and you take the baby's temperature.

"No fever." You sigh in relief. If he had one, you wouldn't know what to do. Usually you'd call the doctor as other parents have told you, but at 3 am, no doctor was going to be around.

"I have an idea." Luke says.

"Luke, for the hundredth time, we aren't putting whiskey in his bottle." You groan.

"I mean, I was going to suggest a car ride.." he says.

You look at him. "That might work. Maybe all your ideas aren't too bad."

He pouts and grabs his car keys. "I'll take him, you get some sleep."

You nod and drag yourself up the stairs and walk to your room. The second your head hits the pillow, you're out like a light.

Luke buckles the screaming baby into the car seat and gets in and buckles. The second he starts to drive, the baby calms down. He smiles. He knew this would work. Liz had given him this advice because it helped him when he was a baby. He had nights like these too.

He now feels bad that his parents had to go through this. He couldn't help it obviously, it's way in the past, but he's so exhausted and now he knows their pain.

Leo had been home for a week now. Luke has barely slept since. He always stayed awake at night taking care of Leo. He usually did it by himself but tonight was different. Nobody could sleep with the way he was screaming.

Within the week, he hadn't been this fussy until now. He usually woke up about 4-5 times through the night, but tonight he didn't sleep at all. He cried for an hour straight. Luke felt so bad that he didn't know what to do. He wanted Leo to be happy.

Leo has stopped crying and was looking around. Luke decided to keep driving until he fell asleep. Luke liked driving so he didn't mind. Anything to get Leo to sleep again.

He drove around the empty town for an hour and a half before the baby fell asleep. Once he was asleep, Luke drove home and carried him inside and put him in his crib. He must of worn himself out with all the crying because he stayed asleep.

Luke checked the time and sighed. It was almost 6 am. He had to be at the recording studio at 7:30 so he decided to make some coffee and just stay awake. There was no point of getting sleep now.

The boys started writing songs for the next album already so they could perform them early on tour again like they had previously done and they wanted to record them now to hopefully release as random singles through the year. They wanted to give their fans more.

Luke took a sip of his coffee as he watched the sunrise from the window. He personally preferred to watch sunsets because he wasn't a morning person but it was still beautiful and breathtaking.

He sighs. He really doesn't want to go to work. He always feels bad for leaving you with Leo. He's been recording a lot lately. He was jealous of his wife for not having to go to work and staying home to play with and love Leo.

He walks up the stairs after he eats something and finishes his coffee and quietly gets dressed so he doesn't wake Kaitlyn. He walks to the bathroom and brushes his hair and teeth. He sighed when he saw the huge bags under his eyes. Yes, he signed up for it by having a baby but he doesn't sleep at all anymore. He was so tired, he could pass out at any moment and sleep for days.

He slips shoes on and grabs this things before walking to the door. He walks out to his car and gets in. Thankfully, it was still warm. It was freezing outside and it sucks getting into a cold car.

He drives to the studio and gets there soon. He walks in and smiles when he sees the boys.

"Wow, you look like shit." Michael says.

"Wow thanks." Luke sighs.

"Still haven't slept?" Ashton asks.

"Not really. Leo wouldn't stop crying last night." He says.

Michael bites his lip. "Is it to late to take my sperm back from Crystal's egg? I don't want to lose my sleep, I love sleeping."

"Oh please, you'll be fine." Calum tells him. "You both will be. How many hours of sleep did you get last night Luke?"

He thinks. "Maybe 30 minutes to an hour?"

"What? That's not healthy. You can't keep staying awake all night and then spending hours here everyday." Calum says.

"What else am I supposed to do?" Luke asks. "Someone needs to take care of Leo."

"You have a wife." Ashton says.

"Yeah but she needs her sleep." He says.

"So do you. You look so tired and sickly Luke." They all tell him.

He sighs. "I know."

"After work, you're coming home with me and you're going to nap at my house." Calum says.

"I can't." He yawns.

"Yes you can. You need it Luke. I know it's tough on you right now but once he grows up, you're going to miss these days." Calum says.

"I know." Luke says.

"So who wants to record first?" Ashton asks.

"I want to go last." Luke says, as he lounges out on the couch in the room and closes his eyes.

He falls asleep while hearing the boys argue over what order they want to record in. Maybe the boys were right. Sleeping felt so good.

He loved Leo with his whole heart, but he just needs sleep. If he doesn't get it at some point, he's scared something will go wrong.


Kind of a filler/out of ideas chapter, sorry it sucks.

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