Chapter 23

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You could not walk the next day. You got amazing sleep, but you couldn't walk. You were packing up to leave the hotel and you had no idea how you were going to make out to the car. You also had no idea what you were going to tell Luke's family.

"All packed?" Luke asks.

You nod and struggle to stand up. He helps you and you thank him. "How am I going to walk to the car?"

"No idea." He says.

"Wow. You're so helpful." You laugh.

"I can see if the hotel has a wheelchair." He says.

"So I'm walking in fine and then leaving in a wheelchair? People will know what we did." You tell him.

"So?" He asks.

"So I don't want people to know you wrecked my vagina." You laugh.

"Why? Don't want them to be jealous?" He asks.

You laugh and shake your head. "I don't think they would be."

He grabs the bags and walks to the door, "of course they would be, you're hot."

You roll your eyes and grab the wall and use it to help you walk. "You really fucked me up."

"I know." He smirks. "Let me bring the bags to the car then I'll come back and help you."

"Okay." You say and lean against the wall.

He comes back soon and turns around. "Jump on my back."

"I don't think I can, and that will look weird." You say.

"No it won't, stop caring so much what people think." He says.

You sigh and try jumping on his back. You wince as you have to spread your legs but stay up there anyway. He grabs your purse and hands it to you before walking out of the hotel room and to the elevator.

"How are you doing back there?" He asks after walking into the elevator.

"I'm in so much pain." You say, and bury your head into the crook of his neck.

"I'm sorry babe, I really am." He sighs.

"It's okay. I love you anyway." You say kissing his neck.

He smiles and walks out of the elevator when the doors open. He walks out to the car and lets you off of his back, then opens the car door for you.

"Thanks." You say and struggle to get in. Once you get in, you buckle and sigh.

"I'll be back, I'm going to go check out." He says.

You nod and he shuts the door for you. He walks inside and checks out and then comes back out to the car. He gets in and buckles and starts to drive. "I can't wait to see Leo again."

"Same." You smile. "That was a long night."

"It seemed like it." He laughs.

You guys both get home after a while and he brings the bags inside as you struggle to get out of the car. He comes back and helps you when he's done, even though you insisted that you could do it on your own.

He helps you into the house and to the couch.

"Are you okay?" Liz asked you, worried that you were hurt.

"Yeah, I'll be fine." You smile awkwardly.

"What happened?" She asked.

You turn red and bite your lip as Luke starts laughing. "You don't want to know mom."

She gasps. "Lucas Robert Hemmings."

"Yes?" He chuckles.

"Luke, I'm so ashamed of you." She says shaking her head.

"We had fun mom." He says as Jack and Ben walk into the room.

"What's going on?" They ask.

"Nothing." Liz says, rubbing her head.

"I fisted Kaitlyn and we fucked all night and now she can't walk. We also got caught by the cops when we did it in the car." Luke tells them.

"Luke Robert Hemmings. We didn't need to know what you did." Liz groans as you blush.

"Nice job Luke." They say, high-fiving him.

Liz rolls her eyes and shakes her head and hands you Leo. "I need to go elsewhere now."

You smile and take him. "Hi baby boy, I missed you." You say and kiss his head.

"He just ate a few minutes ago and he's freshly changed." She tells you.

"Thank you." You smile and fix his hair.

"No problem. Sorry about my disgusting son." She says.

"It's okay. I enjoyed it." You smile.

"You guys are both gross." She says shaking her head and walking out of the room.

You laugh and let the baby play with your finger. Luke sits down next you to you rubs your thigh. You yawn and rock the baby to sleep. Luke kisses your head and puts the tv on.

"So I have a question." He says.

"Yes?" You ask.

"When do you want to have another baby?" He asks as he watches Leo sleep.

"Umm maybe in a year or two? I'm still healing from this baby." You say. "Plus we said we wanted to wait."

"I know but he's just so perfect and I want another one." He smiles.

"I'm surprised you didn't make a sexual joke." You laugh.

"I mean the sex is great too but, that would have been too easy." He smiles.

You laugh. "Like you."

He gasps. "I. am. not. easy."

"The thirty seconds is great." You shrug.

"I last longer than thirty seconds ma'am." He says, offended.

"Ew don't call me ma'am. I'm not that old." You cringe.

"Take back what you said." He says.

"You only last about 8 seconds when I call you daddy... daddy." You whisper in his ear.

He stands up and starts to walk to the stairs.

"Where are you going? I was joking." You pout.

"Well, thanks to you, I need to go take a really cold shower." He groans.

You laugh and bite your lip. "Sorry baby."

"No you're not." He says as he stomps up the stairs like a two year old.

You laugh and kiss Leo's head. "Oh baby boy, please don't end up like your father. He's crazy."

Leo softly snores as you hold him in your arms. He sleeps just like Luke. He looked like a mixture of both of you but when he slept it reminded you of Luke.

You chuckle as you hear Luke screaming song lyrics while he was showering. He was so obnoxious but you loved him with your whole heart anyway.


I know these chapters suck and I'm sorry

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