Chapter 4

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Today was your one month checkup and you weren't sure if you should tell Luke or not. He would probably be mad if you didn't, but at the same time, he didn't want to talk to you.

It had also been two weeks since Brittany bought the ring and later in the day you are supposed to help her ask the big question.

You decided to text Luke. You didn't know if he would answer, but you knew you had to tell him.

'Hey.' You type out and bite your lip. You hesitated and debated if you should just say that or add anything else. You press send and figured if he cared, he would answer back.

You felt your phone vibrate about 8 minutes later and check it. You're heart flutters and you smile a little. You didn't want to react like that but you couldn't help it.

'Hi.. what's up?' He answers.

Luke sighs as he locks his phone. He wasn't sure if he should answer but he was worried. What if you were going to tell him something was wrong with the baby? He didn't want anything to go wrong. He really wanted to be a dad and you two tried for the longest time. He didn't want this messed up. If the baby were to be a miscarriage, he doesn't think he would be able to handle it.

'I have an appointment today.' You reply back to him.

'For what? Is everything okay?' He replies.

'Just a one month check up.' You answer.

'What time?' He asks.

'3 pm at dr. Griffin's office.' You answer.

'Okay, I'll be there.' He answers.

You smile to yourself and look at the time. It was 12:30. You had been sitting in bed since you woke up a few hours ago. You felt kind of nauseous but the feeling finally went away. You walk to the bathroom and take a shower before the appointment.

Before you knew it, you were sitting in the waiting room. You checked yourself in and were waiting to be called into the room.

You look up at the door as Luke walks in. He spots you and walks over to you and sits down next to you. "How are you feeling?" He asks you.

"I'm good. Thank you for asking." You smile.

He nods and smiles back as you guys get called into the room. You get up and walk there and he follows closely behind.

The nurse has you sit on the table. "Dr. Griffin will be in shortly, he just had to run out to his car for a second to grab something."

"Okay, no problem. Thank you." You tell her.

She smiles and walks out of the room. You and Luke sit in an uncomfortable silence until the doctor finally comes in.

"Hello Mrs. Hemmings. Ahh I see you brought Mr. Hemmings with you today. Nice to see you both again." Dr. Griffin says.

"Nice to see you again too." You both smile.

"Please lift your shirt up," he says to you. "It will be a little cold." He says, putting the gel on your stomach.

He searches for the heartbeat and as soon as you and Luke hear it, you both tear up.

Luke grabs your hand and kisses it. You smile widely. "That's our baby." He whispers.

"It is." You smile and wipe your eyes with your other hand.

Dr. Griffin smiles at the both of you. "It always brings me joy to see the parents crying and happy. The baby is completely healthy and okay."

You smile and soon he hands you a wipe to wipe the gel off of your stomach. You wipe it off and stand up.

"Have a nice day." He smiles, handing you some pictures from the sonogram.

"Thanks, you too." You say before walking out of the room and going to the desk to make your next appointment.

Once you finish that, you and Luke walk out of the building.

"I can't believe that I heard the baby's heart beat." He smiles. "That was so cool and beautiful."

"It is." You smile.

He smiles back and walks you to your car. "Thank you for telling me about the appointment."

"You're the father, I thought you should be there." You tell him.

"I'm happy I was." He says.

"Are you going to apologize anytime soon?" You ask.

"Apologize? For what?" He asks.

"Don't play stupid Luke." You scoff.

He looks at you and shakes his head.

"For inviting your mom to stay with us without asking me." You remind him.

"Why should I apologize for that? You literally had your mom stay with us for a week without asking me a few months ago." He says.

"It's different." You say.

"How so?" He asks.

"Because she's my mom and I don't need your permission." You snap.

"Funny, that's what I've been telling you." He says rolling his eyes. "Congratulations, you found a way to ruin a beautiful moment we were having. I just got to see my baby for the first time and now you had to start the fight back up."

"Whatever Luke." You say getting into your car. You go to shut the door but he grabs it and pushes it open again.

"Fine, you want me to apologize? I will. I'm sorry I asked my mom to stay with us. I'm sorry I love my family. I'm sorry that I'm such an awful human being. I'm scared, okay? We've never done this before. I just want my mom to be here to help me be a good dad. I don't know what the fuck I'm doing or what I should buy or anything. My mom had three kids. I thought she'd be a great help. I'll send her away if that's what you really want. Just let me tell you this- if my relationship with my mom gets destroyed because of this, it's all on you." He says before storming off to his car.

You slam your car door shut and angrily scream. You were tired of fighting with Luke but you didn't like when he treated you like this.

You take a deep breath and start to drive home.

You had a proposal to go home and get ready for. You still had a lot to set up and hopefully that would take your mind off things for the rest of the night.

Best Years - Luke Hemmings (sequel to Lonely Hearts)Where stories live. Discover now