Chapter 17

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You and Luke try to catch your breath as he pulls out of you.

It had been 6 weeks and the doctor gave you the okay to do physical activities again. Luke was very excited about that.

Leo has grown a little bit within the month and a half, but he was still so small. Sometimes you were scared to hold him, you didn't want to break him.

"That was worth the wait." Luke says, kissing your cheek.

You smile. "It was."

He yawns as the baby starts to cry. "I got him."

He starts putting his sweatpants back on as you say, "no, let me. You got him last time."

"Are you sure? I really don't mind." You say.

He nods. "I'm sure." He smiles.

He walks to Leo's room and picks him up. He lays him on the changing table and changes his diaper. Once he's done with that, he goes and heats the baby up a bottle. He makes sure it's not too hot and starts to feed the baby. As he feeds him, he quietly sings to him.

His family was coming over tonight. They had flown in from Australia the night before. They hadn't met Leo yet. They wanted to come sooner, but they also wanted you to have time to adjust with the baby.

Liz was supposed to stay to help out, but she had a work emergency last minute. She felt really bad, but she had to leave. You kind of felt relieved. Not that you didn't want her here, but you wanted family time with just Luke and Leo.

You clean up the house and start to make dinner for them as Luke gets Leo back to sleep. You were making Luke's favorite dish. You set the table and get wine glasses and wine out. You weren't supposed to drink while breastfeeding but you could always pump and dump this time. You had plenty of milk in the fridge for him. Besides, you really needed alcohol. It's been 10 and a half months since you last drank. You missed it.

"Do you need any help?" Luke asks, after he puts the baby in the crib.

"I think I'm good, thank you though." You smile.

"No problem, let me know if you need help." He says.

"I will." You smile.

He walks over to you and kisses your head. "Oh babe, I love you with my whole heart."

"Aww, I love you more. You'll always be my tall blonde breadstick." You say, messing up his long blonde curls.

"First of all, stop calling me that." He groans. "Second, don't touch my beautiful curls."

"I'll touch them if I want to touch them," You challenge. "You can't stop me."

"You make them messy and flat." He complains.

"Sorry babe, I can't help myself." You say fixing his hair.

He sighs. "I'm going to shower."

"Okay." You say, as you start to set the table and make it look really nice. You wanted things to go good tonight. You didn't want to fight with Liz again and have her keep hating you.

Luke finishes getting ready soon and finishes cooking for you so you can go and get ready. You quickly shower and then dry your hair and get dressed. You put some makeup on and finish getting ready soon.

You get the door as they knock on it. You smile and greet them before letting them into the house. You take their coats and Liz's bag and put them on the bed in your room.

You all sit down to eat as Leo stays asleep. You probably had enough time to eat dinner before he woke back up. You all eat and you clean up as you hear him cry.

"Excuse me." You say, before walking up to his nursery. You pick him up and change his diaper before changing his outfit and bringing him downstairs to meet everyone. Luke warms up a bottle as you do this.

You walk into the living room and smile. "Meet Leo Asher Hemmings."

"Oh my god, he's precious." Liz says as she tears up. "He looks just like his daddy."

"He does." You smile as you look over at Luke. He smiles back and hands you the bottle.

"Please, let me?" Liz asks.

You smile and nod and hand Leo and the bottle to her. You sit down on the couch with Luke and smile as you watch Liz feed him.

Tonight was going great. You could tell Leo loved Liz. He cried when Andy, Jack or Ben held him, but would stop when Liz took him back. Maybe it was because she looked like Luke, but his brother's just told her it was because she had boobs and boys love boobs. Liz argued that he wouldn't love his grandma's boobs. It went on for a while.

You get up and walk to the kitchen and fill up your glass of wine. As you fill it up, Liz walks into the room.

"I see Leo finally went to someone else." You laugh.

"Yeah," She smiles. "Luke has him."

"He loves Luke. They're so cute together." You smile.

She fills up her wine glass as well. "He's the cutest baby ever."

"Thank you." You smile. "I love him with my whole heart."

"Me too." She smiles. "He has me wrapped around his finger."

"I can already tell you're going to spoil the hell out of him." You laugh as you sip your wine.

"Of course, I'm a grandma. It's my job." She smiles as she sips her wine.

You smile. "True."

"I just want you to know, if you ever need anything or have any questions, you can always call me." She says.

"Thank you, I really appreciate that." You smile.

She smiles and hugs you. "Congratulations and thank you."

"For what?" You ask confused as she pulls away.

You couldn't think of anything she would be thanking you for. She had already thanked you and Luke earlier for having them over and feeding them.

"For making my son happy and giving me a grandchild." She smiles.

"Anytime." You smile back.

You and Liz were finally getting along and it made you happy.

Best Years - Luke Hemmings (sequel to Lonely Hearts)Where stories live. Discover now