Chapter 13

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-mini time skip because I suck at writing and have no ideas 🥲-

You were now 9 months pregnant. You were about to pop any day now. You were actually a day late. The doctor had told you the due date was the 2nd if the month, it's now the 3rd. You weren't worried because it was only a day off and you read that it was common.

You and Luke were getting ready for bed. You were so excited. You haven't been able to sleep lately because the baby won't stop moving since he was moving to position himself to come out.

"Goodnight my little tomato." Luke says, kissing your head.

"Goodnight baby." You smile and fall asleep.

You wake up in the middle of the night and sit up confused. Did you just pee yourself? I mean, it wasn't a surprise because you have while being pregnant, but never this much. It was only little drops. It felt like you were suddenly sleeping in a swimming pool. Then it hit you. Your water had just broke.

At first you were confused because you thought you'd be having contractions. But you guess you were wrong. You groan and get up and turn the light on.

Luke wakes up and rubs his eyes. "What time is it?"

"4:53 am." You tell him, looking at the clock.

He groans. "Why are the lights on?"

"Because I'm pretty sure my water just broke." You tell him.

He sits up. "Wait what?"

You look at him. "I thought I peed myself but it's clear liquid which means that it isn't pee. It has to be amniotic fluid." You mumble while pacing.

"I uh, I think we should go to a hospital now." He says.

"No shit Sherlock." You roll your eyes.

"Okay hormones, calm down." He says standing up and getting ready.

"Sorry." You mumble. "I'm going to shower."

"Shower? The baby's going to come." He says.

"A lot of women shower after their water breaks. Also, I don't have contractions yet." You say.

"Okay. Just hurry up before you have the baby in our shower. Please don't take one of your hour showers." He says.

You nod and brush him off before walking to the bathroom and starting the shower. You weren't going to wash your hair, you were just going to wash your body. As your washing your body, you feel a really sharp pain. Oh shit, the contractions are starting.

You hurry up rinsing your body off and step out and dry off. You quickly get dressed and put a pad on just in case anything else comes out and grab your things.

"I put the hospital bag in the car and I have the car running so it's nice and warm when you get in it." Luke says.

"Thank you." You say as you both walk to the front door.

You walk out to the car and Luke holds the door open for you. You get in and buckle as he walks around to his side of the car and gets in.

The ride to the hospital was quiet, with music playing in the background, so low that you could barely hear it.

Luke was really nervous for you. He knew you were going to be in a lot of pain and that upset him. He wanted to say comforting things to you right now but he was honestly scared of you at the moment. He didn't want to say the wrong thing.

He gets to the hospital and parks. You both walk inside and he talks to the lady at the front desk for you. You had a few contractions on the way here, but not many.

They bring you to a room and the nurse tells you to start timing your contractions. You nod and change into the hospital gown. You sit on the bed and wince in pain as another one came. Once it was over, you started counting how long until the next one.

The doctor came in shortly and said you were 3 centimeters dilated. They gave you some medication to help with the pain and he said he'd come back and check on you soon.

"Can you call our parents please?" You ask Luke.

"Of course." He says, and steps out of the room to call them.

You wait and look around. You really couldn't wait to meet the baby. You and Luke had picked a name. You hoped it fit him.

After 9 hours of labor, you were finally at 10 centimeters and the doctor was telling you to push.

You scream in pain as you push and you feel Luke grab your hand.

"You got this baby, I believe in you." He tells you. "You're strong, you got this."

"Shut up!" You scream, mad that men didn't have to go through this pain.

He stays quiet and you push until the baby is out. The nurses clean him up and then hand him to you. You look down at him and tear up. Your baby boy was finally here, and he was absolutely beautiful. He had Luke's bright blue eyes and your hair color. He also had Luke's nose, which you absolutely adored.

Luke looks down at him as he silently cries. "He's so perfect." He chokes up.

"He is." You smile.

The nurses take him again to do all they need too, and when they bring him back, they hand him to Luke.

"He's so small." Luke smiles.

"He is." You smile back. "I'm sorry I was mean to you, I didn't mean it."

"It's okay. It's not your fault. I'd probably be the same way if I had to push this melon head out of my vagina." He laughs.

"He doesn't have a melon head, his head is normal size." You laugh.

He smiles and sits next to you on the bed and kisses your head. "I'm proud of you tomato."

"Thank you babe." You smile and peck his lips.

You both look down at him and smile. You already loved him with your whole heart. He had you both wrapped around his tiny fingers. You'll remember this day forever.

Leo Asher Hemmings, born February 3, 2021. 6 pounds, 12 ounces and 19 inches.

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