♥ 4 ♥

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♡ ♥ The cries of the Nether were unavoidable at this point, empty halls seemingly distorting the noise until it dared haunt your dreams. The adrenaline in your body was finally gone, but that brought many problems. You could feel exhaustion looming in, trying to take you to a calmer pace, but with a severe untreated wound on your arm, bleeding and dirty, you couldn't risk falling asleep forever.

You mind was alone with the heat of the Nether, noises echoing into voices of the past. You hoped Ranboo had found your old friend now, for you knew Phil would help him find a proper future in the world. He was a kind man after all, and basically gave you a second chance at life.

What would have happened if the imperial guard had caught you back in the Overworld? You would most likely be in the same situation, in pain crumbled up in a cell, but at least you would die in the same world as the ones you loved. Now you were stuck in literal hell, with no hopes of getting out into a safe place. You wouldn't have made it far in the Nether, realizing that water was unable to be brought here when your flask had completely dried when you tried to replenish yourself. So if you didn't burn to death, you would have dehydrated.

You tried licking your dried lips, only for your dry tongue drag across open cuts caused by the lack of water. Sighing, you formed a ball in the corner of the cell right against the bars, trying to keep your eyes open.

Maybe you would have died there, if it wasn't for the soft scrape of boots that heightened your sensed. You tensed as you awaited the cell to open and welcome you with a beating of some sort from Wart, but instead you felt something cool against your skin. Opening your eyes, you looked to see that wasn't the Piglins who dragged you here, but rather the boy you ran into when trying to make your escape.

"I heard you ended up caught...so I wanted to make sure the brutes didn't harm you..." His voice was soft, kind, and soothing to listen to as he passed you a golden flask that shone purple at just the right angle. You looked at him strangely, pondering the contents inside. You gave him a look, gesturing to the binds still on your hands. They had dug into your skin despite you trying not to move them, and the rope began to eat away at your flesh next. The boy helped untie them without question, the safety of the bars being enough for him.

"It's water I swear, it just has to be carried in a special container so it doesn't evaporate in minutes- hey slow down you muffin!" He watched as you popped the cap and drank back as much as you could before your stomach began to protest, trying not to choke back any when a certain drop decided to be a rebel and go down your windpipe. You quickly pulled the flask away and began sputtering, causing the boy on the other side of the bars panic. Once you settled, you handed the flask back gently, watching as his eyes looked at your unused arm.

"Y-You're hurt! Did the Piglins do that?" He asked, voice sounding genuinely concerned. You shook your head as you watched it continue to ooze, the pain keeping you from falling asleep.

"The white creatures in the sky spat out a fireball when I wasn't looking, it was my own fault." You muttered, turning your eyes away from the bloodied mess. You couldn't deny the urge to scream sometimes when you moved, hence why you didn't try standing or turning when the boy came to help you. The boy nodded in understanding, fumbling with the sleeves of his sweater as he thought of something.

"Ghasts, those things are called Ghasts, and they do quite a number on the castle if we're not quick enough to take them down....pesky muffins..." he muttered the last few words for himself, but you couldn't help but laugh at his wording. The sound coming from your throat caused him to blush from embarrassment. The pink against his pitch-black skin was quite amusing to look at. "A-anyways...I'm Bad."

You quirked your head. "I mean, you seem pretty good to me."

Your response made him sputter as he shook his head. "No! I meant, my name is Bad, short for Badboyhalo..."

Sheath (Technoblade x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now