♡ 11 ♡

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♡ ♥ That morning was a little more emotional than you had imagined.

Ranboo had held onto you as if you were going to fade away, nevertheless you easily reassured him with your gentle fingers running through his soft hair. As soon as he had gotten the pain out of his words, you could see the excitement spark back up in his eyes again; surprising Phil.

The winged man had explained how quiet Ranboo had been during the past weeks, only responding with simple manners, apologies, and few worded questions. Little did he know, Ranboo was one of the most talkative people once they gained the trust of the hybrid. The child couldn't help but wonder where you had gone, so you all agreed to sit at the table with a warm meal of oats to accompany your tale.

"I traversed the Nether, stumbling on their dark fortress that loomed above the lakes of lava...ghostly creatures that spat fire ended up burning the side of my arm." You lifted your sleeve, a gnarly red scar still in the process of healing ingrained in your skin. It could have been worse, a gaping hole no less if it wasn't for your wonderful help.

"There was a physician, an Enderman that went by the name of Adrian. He healed me, got rid of the infection with speed contrasted by no other. Then, I met the king," you could remember that day so vividly. The anger steaming off your skin, his look of boredom. You could look back at it now with a smile. "Although he seemed infuriating at first, he's really a tender soul."

You could see Phil perk up in his seat, blue eyes shining with glee. Assuming it was because of your story, you continued.

"After I healed his friends, he freed me. His apology was included with an alliance, offering his help to me if I ever needed it. After leaving the Nether, I came here, in hopes to find you." Looking at Ranboo, who was completely awestruck, you smiled while ruffling his hair. You had missed the young lad, and his curious little quirks.

The tea Phil had offered was amazing, Ranboo even trying a sip before burning his lip. His fatherly nature never went unnoticed by you, and you couldn't help but always thank him.

"I'm glad you made some friends despite being stuck in the Nether, (y/n). From my last experience, I ended up sweating buckets and fraying some of my feathers." The old man chuckled, letting out a reminiscing sigh. His eyes went distant as he recalled an old memory.

"Did you encounter any Wither skeletons, by chance?"

You swallowed at his words, remembering the dark wounds that ate at the flesh of those touched. The thought of the pain the soldiers had experienced made you nod.

"The king had issued an attack on what he thought they were residing in, but it ended up being an ambush..." The winged man nodded at the grim thought, his mind swirling with questions. You were about to ask a question, before Ranboo spoke.

"What was the king like? Is he really a Blood God like the townsfolk whisper about?" His curious tone had settled the tense atmosphere brought from the talk of fighting. Philza's gaze returned to earth, a smile returning to his face as he focused on what you were going to say next.

You pondered your words for a moment. What did you think of the Piglin that spared your life? You didn't doubt that he could be a blood thirsty warrior the townspeople spoke, however, looking into his eyes while alone in his room, you could see that venerability and kindness hidden behind those red eyes of his. The sorrow when he spoke when he thought his friends dying in his home. All because of his command.

"He....seems like the type to hide his feelings. I can't imagine being the ruler of the Nether, or anywhere for that matter without feeling the pressure weigh me down. So I can't really argue as to why he seems so closed off, however his friends really seem to care a lot for him."

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