♥ 10 ♥

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♡ ♥ The journey through the never-ending forest was cold. Snow nipped at your reddening skin, as if mocking you for getting used to the Nether's heat. The fresh powdered snow left no track traceable, and that gave you a sense of security walking through the same scene multiple times.

Dusk had fallen by the time your eyes caught the glow of a random torch lit in the forest. It was the first landmark that told you were going the right way.

Because most of the trees here were untouched, the trunks grew thick with age and provided some of the most ancient history locked within them. You couldn't help but let your hands trace the bark of some as you walked past, allowing your magic to trace into its history and hear the song of time itself. Whispers and songs of birds from hundreds of years echoed in your ears as you walked, eyes finally catching a small glow ahead.

The cottage was small, on the outside at least. The windows were covered by light curtains, however the light from inside still spewed past the glass and onto the snow outside. Your ears could already pick up Phil's voice, the usual cheery voice wrapping you in a warm comforting feeling. Walking up to the door, you gently rapped your knuckles against the wood, silencing any conversation inside. There wasn't normally anyone out here to knock on a lonely cottage door so far out in the twisted Overworld woods, so you could understand why Phil would be particularly cautious about visitors.

The door opened, and warm light shined behind the man who wore green robes. A familiar white and green striped hat sat on his head, covering a grand head of blonde hair.

"Can I help you with anything?" Phil's blue eyes tried examining your face under your hood, the look quite threatening to anyone else who didn't know him. His serious demeanour caused you to chuckle, hands raising to lower your hood off your face. The tension only lasted for a few more seconds before the hood was off, allowing Phil a full view of your face.

"I was hoping an old friend could stay until they got back on their feet." Your words settled in the mans ears, immediately breaking his serious demeanour with a warm smile. Phil wasted no time in gathering you up in his arms and squeezing all the air out of your lungs.

"Oh, how I missed you, you little shit." He laughed before setting you back on the floor. He moved back and gestured for you to take a step in the house. "Ranboo has already fallen asleep, but my son Wilbur has come to visit me. Come join us."

His hospitality had never changed, always loving his family to no end.  He lead you to the cozy living room, where his son Wilbur sat on a couch, a warm smile on his face.

"I'm glad to hear Ranboo made it here alright...I was worried he would get lost." You admitted, gladly accepting a warm cup of tea Phil had just poured. The warmth ran down to your core with a pleasant feeling, thawing your cold body in just a few seconds.

"He actually got stuck under a cave just a few miles from here, the rain keeping him from leaving for a few days. If I hadn't been walking past and saw his glowing eyes, he might not have been here." Phil explained, taking a seat between Wilbur and I on the centre of the couch. His black wings were no longer hidden beneath his coat, but now rather wrapped around both Wilbur and you as you sat rather comfortably.

"He's an interesting person, Ranboo. We only talked for a moment, but he mentioned you a few times." Wilbur finally spoke, adjusting his yellowish sweater to his wrists. "I'm curious, how did you meet the boy?"

You smiled, the story still scary to think about. But happy nonetheless.

"It all began with me wandering the town to find a place to hunker down for a bit, before I found the church. He was only a boy, still learning from tutors paid by his noble family.

Sheath (Technoblade x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now