♡ 9 ♡

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♡ ♥ Technoblade's words had taken a moment to sink into your mind. Was he truly setting you free for saving their lives? You had only done what any other would have, sparing some energy for the survival of what you determined to be wonderful people.

They must have been really important to the king.

Your eyes searched his for any trace of a lie, for anything that could give away his real intentions. But all you found was the truth, sitting plain as day.

The fire across the room echoed with small crackles from the stone it burned on, the endless flame burning brightly. It was the only white noise aside from the faint breathing coming from the only two people in the room, along with the distant echos of the Nether creatures seeping through the walls. The invisible shackles around your wrists loosened, but they weren't completely off yet, not till you determined this was real.

"Are, you serious?" You questioned, in a whisper. Techno looked up from his bow, but still not getting up. His red eyes looked at you with all seriousness.

"Absolutely," He almost sounded baffled.

"You have done me a great deed, saved my friends from what I thought would be their deaths because of my actions. I would give you permission to come and go from the Nether as you please. It's the least I can do for all the terrible things I've done to you." His voice was soft, and his eyes softened as he spoke. They almost seemed guilty.

You tugged on his cape pulled him up from the floor, getting off the chair so you stood in front of him. He was being so kind compared to a few weeks ago, just sitting on his throne without a care, nearly sending you to death. You couldn't help but wrap your arms around his warm torso, despite just a week ago you wished to strangle him. The shackles had fallen, only you hearing the thud they made when they fell to the floor.

You were happy.

"Thank you, your Highness." You whispered into him.

"Just Techno is fine, (y/n)." He said as he wrapped his arms around you. His body was rigid, as you expected, but he didn't push away. However you didn't stay in that position for long, pushing back before he could relax to your touch.

"Techno." It rolled off your voice as you wrapped your arms tighter before letting go. Breaking from the embrace, you heard Techno clear his throat as his neck was flushed a deep red. If you were able to see under the bone mask, you were sure you would see the rest of his face a bright red. "I suppose it's a good time to give this back to you."

Red eyes glimmered with curiosity as you unlatched the leather strap from over your clothes. Feeling the crown drop with a dull thud on the floor, you smirked at Technoblade's confused look on his face. Stepping back, you picked the object on the floor.

Your delicate hands picked up the golden crown you had kept on your person for so long, a smirk on your face as you spoke.

"You forgot about this back in the Overworld, took me ages to finally return it." Your comment was laced with sarcasm, walking over to the king and placing it in his calloused hands. Technoblade held it delicately as he examined each part of the crown, not a single jewel stolen or missing from its place.

"I would have thought you would sell it for yourself." Techno admitted, placing the warm gold on his head. It sat on his pink hair, the sparkle suiting his red eyes. He was a king after all, and he wore it well.

"Surprisingly, I don't think I could, even if I wanted too. I have some sense of morals in me."

"That's surprising, seeing as you tried to steal from me before." Techno smirked.

Sheath (Technoblade x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now