♥ 20 ♥

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♡ ♥ The music lulled the two of you in a rhythm. One of Technoblade's hands had found your waist, the other intertwining your fingers together. The warmth of his hands sent pleasant shivers down your spine, mindlessly allowing him to lead you through the dance floor.

You trusted him to lead, seeing as you had never properly gotten the dance lessons that many attempted beforehand. But with Techno leading you, red eyes staring at you with a warm intensity, how could you not trust him? You moved between other dancers, not breaking your gaze from Technoblade.

"The necklace your wearing, can I ask where you got it?" Techno asked, keeping the slow pace of the music. Your eyes flickered from his chest to his eyes, noting how they sparkled in the light.

"Phil gave it to me just a few moments before we arrived to the party, however he did have that mischievous grin on his face after I put it on." Chuckling, you let Techno lead you into a small spin, gliding with the rest of the dancers to the music.

Technoblade's hand squeezed yours, a smile curling on his lip. "I'm glad he did, for I wasn't able to yesterday."

You had thought the box looked familiar, and now it all clicked. When Techno had walked in on you changing, he had the same small box containing the necklace in his hand, however he had left too soon in a panic to give it to you.

"You...got me this necklace? That's so sweet of you." Your face flushed when you glanced down, trying to hide the embarrassment on your cheeks from him. He was quick to use his hand to tilt your head up, whether by accident or purposefully. The action made you flush even harder, and it took plenty of self-control to to no bury your face in his chest to hide your flaming cheeks.

"I only wish to have seen your face when I gave it to you, but seeing you this happy now is even better." Your eyes widened at his words. Was this the same flustered Piglin you had met months ago, who was so close to chopping off your hand- only now to blush at his own attempt at flirting?

Yes, this was him. The same Piglin who spared your life during trials, the one who protected you and carried you when you couldn't walk on your own. He was the same man who held you in his arms as you danced to a song of your own making, who's voice lead you to a world of bliss.

"I love it, thank you." Your words came out in a whisper, and something danced in Technoblade's eyes as you were dragged deeper onto the dance floor.

You moved closer to him, his hand finding the small of your back and pulling you closer to him- leaving you a dazed mess as he leaned you down to dip you. His gaze on you had never made you feel hotter, blood red eyes gazing into your own. He pulled you back up to him; feeling his breath against your face as it came closer, noses nearly touching before a bonk on your forehead caused you to jerk back.

You had foolishly forgotten about his mask.

"Sorry! I forgot that I put it on." His worried tone made you laugh, rubbing your forehead to ease the dull ache. Technos hand let go of your own while this thumb gently skimmed over your forehead, trailing down to hold your cheek. The tender actions caused you to lean into his touch, his smile growing- showing his prominent white fangs.

"Techno...this is a party, keep it in your pants." Phil's voice broke the intimate atmosphere, the winged mans face pulled into a woozy smile as the wine in his glass sloshed with his movements. It didn't take a genius to figure out the man was drunk.

Breaking apart from Technoblade, you were quick to swipe the wine from his hand, gulping down the last of it before placing it on a nearby table. A groan of dissatisfaction came from the winged mans lips while Techno wrapped an arm around Phil's shoulder- steadying him.

Sheath (Technoblade x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now