♡ 19 ♡

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♡ ♥ The night of the party buzzed with excitement. Masked dancers of all species crowded the dance floor in hopes to gain a bit of conversation until the main event took place.

You had been pacing in your room, gathering courage to go outside your room in the dark red gown that covered you. The dress Clara had given you was beautiful, the Piglin spending all night stitching intricate gems and patterns in the dress to add more flare- to which you nearly cried. One, from how beautifully it fit your figure, and two, from all the attention that would be on you.

Clara had helped you put it on, leaving only once the final bow was tied to apply her own dress for the night. You had wished she stayed to coax you out of the room that you were currently hiding in, or to even give you some words of encouragement.

The mirror in the room did not help, each glance you found your attention lingering on yourself, worrying of your appearance- however the mirror told unwanted lies because it was jealous of your beauty.

Your thoughts were jumbled with endless bickering inside yourself. Perhaps you should just stay in your room for the night. But then you wouldn't be able to flaunt Clara's beautiful work on your body. Placing your mask on your face, the black plastic only covered half your face, red gems scattered around your eyes to bring out their natural colour.

With a sigh, you pulled up your gloves and inserted your earrings. Your beauty was not to be compared to others, for the way your eyes shone, the way your lips curled to form a gentle smile on your face- it was unique to you, a beauty only you had.

Just as you gained enough courage to leave the room, heart ablaze with a newfound confidence, a knock sounded against your door. Your heart froze, panicking at the thought of who it could be. Perhaps Clara had forgotten something in your room and came back to retrieve it. Or maybe it was Ranboo struggling to put on his mask.

Your cheeks flushed at the thought that it could have been Techno, the one who had saw you half naked yesterday.

Hesitantly, you swallowed your fear as you opened the door, prepared for the endless embarrassment.

However, a man with two black wings, decorated in jewels stood at your door.

Phil wore his suit well, a white fabric complimented with a red tie tucked under the suit. His signature green and white hat was replaced with a solid white one, a black feather pinned to it to add some flare. A gentle smile was on his face as he looked at you.

"My goodness (y/n), you look marvellous tonight." Phil spoke, following you into your room. You stepped back to let him in, blue eyes examining the small details on your dress.

"Thank you Phil, your looking quite fancy yourself," examining his wings, the green emeralds glittered with each small movement. The glimmer brought attention to his bright blue eyes, shimmering in the golden light.

The male chuckled while muttering a small 'thank you.' You watched as his hand dug into his back pocket, pulling out a small familiar box you had seen somewhere. "I brought this for you to wear, seeing as you have no necklace."

He held out the box for you, your hands gently caressing the red velvet. Opening the box, your eyes were greeted with a red gem, fastened to a beautiful golden seal that held it in place. "Where did you get this, Phil?" You asked, breathless.

"I have my ways." He chuckled, taking the necklace out and gesturing for you to turn around. You followed his gesture, lifting your hair to let the warm gold rest on your neck. The gem dangled down to right above your collar bone, finally taking the empty skin and dragging the attention away. Once hearing the clip of the necklace being pulled into place, you let down your hair and turned to Phil.

Sheath (Technoblade x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now