♥ 26 ♥

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♡ ♥ You could hear the shouts of battle from outside the thick walls, each clang of metal sending pricks of anxiety up your skin.

The beat of your heart fastened when you could hear shouts of familiar voices, each one a battle cry echoing off the bones of skeletons. Unfortunately, you had found yourself bound by your arms and legs, a gag wrapped around your mouth to prevent you from spewing ancient magic from your tongue.

But no binding would prevent you from escaping.

Even with your limbs tied behind your body, Adrian had made the mistake of leaving the glass shards from his potions scattered across the floor- the effects still lingered from the liquid splattered, but they wouldn't harm you now.

Your fingers brushed upon a shard, placing the sharp end between your feet. The edge proved to be useful in cutting the cloth, allowing you to free your hands after successfully biting through. Undoing the bindings on your legs, the gag in your mouth was next to go, letting a loud sigh to leave your dry mouth. The heat of the Nether was more than welcome across your skin, returning the warmth around the tips of your blue fingers. Had you been in those binds any longer, you may have lost a few digits before escaping.

Paying no mind to the shattered glass on the floor, your eyes looked towards the hole in the ceiling created by the three-headed beast you mistakenly created. Adrian had been smart, making you hallucinate inconceivable sorrows that broke out words of life from you, bringing the Wither into a world that had just been healed from its reign. The image of Technoblade dying in your own hands was still burned behind your eyes, a flash of his eyes or pained face somehow catching your vision had you not been paying attention.

Shaking your head, you returned to reality. He was alive- you knew this, and you would do everything in your power to keep him alive.

Your first instinct was to claw your way through the old wooden door that blocked your way out, but then your eyes trailed over the brick walls. These towers, and the castle Technoblade now resided in had all been constructed under the Lava King's rule, and if you learned anything about being a maid, it was that the previous king hated seeing peasants roaming his halls.

Calloused hands ran across the wall, sinking into a small section in the stone. You stopped, pressing in the stone- only to hear a click, a section of the wall moving back into a hall. Just like when you wore the simple black and white maid outfit, you moved hastily thought the black halls. The torches that were hung on the wall lit easily with a few whispers of your magic, the golden light guiding you to freedom. The secret tunnels left for maids had proved useful in your escape.

You had found a door after walking for a good few minutes down the stairs, pressing your ear up against the wood to listen to the rattles of bones. Just as you suspected, the faint clicks of bones could be heard through the stone, strange whispers from the Wither Skeletons reaching your senses. You had pondered for a moment, noting how the hall had cut off here- proving the last and only stop you could take.

You had two choices. One, go back to the room you came from and go through the wooden door, or two- burst through this door and hope for a weapon to be nearby.

Wisps of magic began tingling in your fingertips, reminding you that your words had also proven to be a mighty weapon.

Before you could burst through the door, a thundering call from the Wither rattled through your bones.

You still had your ear pressed against the wall when it happened, and once the last bits of ringing faded from your head, you could make out the rattling noises becoming fainter. This was it, now or never.

Your heart was racing as the stone began to move, revealing the sight of an old armory that had long since been abandoned. Any armor or weapons inside proved to be useful, still sharp- however dusty they may be. The Skeletons had seemingly left the room once they heard the call from their brethren, probably joining the battlefield against what you assumed to be Technoblade's army.

Sheath (Technoblade x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now