♥ 16 ♥

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2AM and I'm listening to an hour loop of Sugar Crash

♡ ♥ Of course, your spar with Bad had left you sore. Skeppy, Bad and you had all eaten a filling meal together before parting, sending a wink Bad's way when you saw them enter the same room together.

The iron sword in your room sparkled as you looked at it, remembering how you had gotten it from Phil's home. Your muscles had forgotten the physical strain of using a sword so quickly, thus leaving you a tired mess that couldn't sleep due to nightmares.

The events during your spar had left you reminiscing past memories you had promised to forget, screams of voices in your heads that made home to the silence of your thoughts. The fire was still scarred behind your eyes, the feeling of flames licking your skin as fresh as the day it all happened.

You shivered, goosebumps trailing up your body. You wouldn't go back there, for it was part of the forgotten past.

Getting up from your bed, your feet met the floor as you began your familiar journey through the halls. You had hoped that Technoblade would be in the library, for you needed his voice to sooth you to sleep, as much as you hated to admit. He became an anchor of yours to find comfort in the tension, so you convinced yourself that you would apologize to him as soon as you saw him.

The Nether was particularly quiet that night, and just as the glow of the library appeared into your view, gold crown catching the light, a hand found its way around your mouth.

Your qualms were quickly silenced as the hand pressed tighter, dragging you back to the side of the hall. Bare feet skidded across the ground, causing your attacker to lift you completely off the floor. You tried to argue, sticking your fingernails into their skin, however they didn't budge.

Trying to hook your foot behind their knee, you realized that wouldn't work either. Whoever had you in their grasp was too tall for you to drag them down.

"Hope you weren't expecting a good sleep, girl." That voice instantly spread a cold anger though you, the tickle of their breath causing you to shiver in disgust. You could recognize that terrible accent anywhere.

Wart's grip somehow tightened, his other hand bringing up a cloth in front of your face. He made a quick exchange with his hand, swapping it for the cloth he secured around your mouth. You managed a small yelp, causing the air to still. The Piglin gripped around your throat to silence you, his head turning to the library, breath quiet.

You gave a silent prayer Techno would hear you. Somehow.

However, your hopes were crushed when the black speckles around your vision grew, sending you into a limbo. You could feel yourself being dragged away by rough hands, the hatred in your eyes burning bright.

The ropes around your wrist burned, however it was that familiar feeling that kept you grounded to reality. Unable to give up, your eyes wandered around the castle, noting how Wart had managed to get you out of the walls, now traversing the outside. Your bare skin burned whenever it touched the netherrack, however it reminded you that you were still alive, to which you were grateful for.

Wart stopped in a twisted forest, the familiar blue leaves glittering beautifully, along with blue mushrooms that sprouted around the forest floor. Perhaps they would soon be stained with your blood.

The Piglin dropped you to the ground, red eyes narrowing as he took your own scrunched up face in. He let out a growl before his boot came in contact with your body, pain shooting up your nerves. You didn't give him the satisfaction of seeing the pain on your face, forcing the same expression to remain.

"Every time you have appeared, you made me look like a fool. The wither skeletons were supposed to kill you, yet you found your way back here." He turned to look at you, his crooked tusks prominent in his snarl. It would have been funny to laugh at, had it not been that your mouth was covered with a filthy white rag.

Sheath (Technoblade x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now