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♡ ♥ The dials on the clocks pointed to the sun before anyone could process it.

The infirmary was quiet once more, filled with the steady breaths of the healed warriors. Black wounds faded into nothing but light scars along their bodies. The heat had faded in the room, returning to the cool atmosphere that belonged.

Adrian was calm as he organized his bottles of healing spells, newly added due to an unexpected persons help. It would make battling the Wither effects much easier, and more effective than just laying on a bed with no hope.

It was a peaceful morning in the Nether.

Until the King came in.

Adrian perked up immediately, a smile on his face as he bowed low. Technoblade arrived with eyes that had dark bags hung below, for the last thing that he was told, was the untimely death his friends would come to. You could hardly see them under his bone mask, but the physician had quite a keen eye. He had spent the whole night quietly grieving in his chambers, locking himself from the outside world as he wallowed into old memories of war.

He recalled the shouts of his friends dying to the withered blades, the black skeletons raging for blood when he was still just a young boy.

He remembered the victory of his people, and the hope that it would be the last. So when he had to call upon them once again, he knew he would see at least one of them leave him.

But when he walked into the room, each soldier sitting up and quietly chatting amongst each other, he thought he died himself.

"Your majesty, the night didn't do too kindly to your sleep, did it?" Adrian joked, getting up from his bow and gesturing for the king to follow. Red eyes traced to the once wounded people walking amongst each other, withered black wounds obtained through battle no more. He had believed them to be dead by morning, bodies blackened by the disease that would eat them from the inside. Instead, they were all walking in the white robes given to the recovering the physician gave them.

"What happened here, Adrian? Have I died and joined you all in the afterlife perhaps?" Technoblade questioned, catching the attention of his friends. The freckled boy from which you had examined earlier approached him first, embracing him with a rather large hug. Adrian let out a laugh as he watched his king gasp in surprised, flabbergasted at the feeling.

"It's good to see you well, Techno. I thought those moments on the fortress would be our last together." The green-eyed male laughed, adjusting his white mask on his face. "The effects of Withered blades are mighty painful."

"How are you still alive, Dream? I know I didn't dream up that whole battle, for I never sleep that long."

Technoblade's comment left his friends laughing, and he was almost frustrated his question still hadn't be answered. But the happiness in his heart prevented him from ever acting upon it, instead it dissipated into joy. The familiar faces around him well showed that they were strong, despite almost losing his friends for an ambush.

They had wandered into the Nether for days, coming across an old fortress that once belonged to the Lava King. It almost seemed too easy when the trekked across the soul sand and into the quiet ruins, all of them clad in armour meant to protect them.

They didn't expect TNT to go off and block their exits off.

The fortress fell into the lakes of lava, and despite the Piglins being alright, it was the human companions that the lava tried to consume. Thankfully because of their fire resistance potions, the lava became less than a problem with the next problem. Wither skeletons watched with their soulless eyes as the army swam through the lava, awaiting them on the shore for miles.

Sheath (Technoblade x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now