♡ 15 ♡

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♡ ♥ You didn't return to the library the day after, hoping to give Techno some time to rest from your voice. Perhaps he wanted you to leave him alone, only entertaining your presence to seem kind.

But why would he trust to take off his mask by you? Allowed you to sit so close to him as he spoke of soothing stories.

The silk sheets were cool against your skin, reminding you of the warmth of Technoblade's hand in your own. Your mind had went back to the feeling of the callouses along his skin, hands trained to take the life of those who threatened him. It took you back to your first encounter, your wrist trapped in his hand while his sword was mere inches away from your skin.

Why did you believe he would trust you so easily?

You let a sigh escape your lips, getting up from the restless night. Choosing to not partake in the meetings today, you instead chose to wander the castle- deciding to wear black slacks and a white blouse. It seemed more ideal than the restricting dresses you sometimes wore, although you could admit that some were beautifully crafted.

The throne room was as empty compared to when you first arrived, the seats unused for weeks now. Technoblade had allowed any strays from the Overworld obtain a temporary stay until the Wither skeletons had been dealt with.

You stood beside the throne while your hands traced the gems, finding the black one and pressing down. Up popped the blade you had found only weeks ago, unsheathing it and allowing the blade to glint in the light. It was made out of a material you didn't know existed, but you could tell that the blade was expertly crafted with magnificent balance. Upon swinging the blade around, it almost seemed to cut through the air with how well it did in your hand.

"I didn't know you had a fancy with swords." A voice from the other end of the room caused you to turn, eyes falling on who had spoken. Bad's smile was instantly recognizable, his black and red cloak floating behind him as he approached you.

"Bad, it's a surprise to find you here and not in the meeting with the others." You set the sword neutral to your side, allowing Bad to walk up to you without fear of being accidentally impaled. His footsteps echoed in the empty room, stopping when he was in front of the throne.

"I skipped the meeting this morning, seeing as we aren't getting anywhere with General Barnett constantly arguing; so I decided to take the day in favour of practicing my sparring." He patted the sword on his hip, eyes glancing down on the blade you had in your hand. "Would you care to join me? I do need a partner."

You looked at the blade in your hand, deciding to sheath it back into the throne. It was a strange place to have a weapon, but smart if you thought about enemies in your own court.

"I could use for some practice, it's been years since I've properly fought." Bad listened as you followed him out, taking you to a rather large room decorated with training materials. The ring of sand sitting in the centre of the room was what you assumed you would fight on. Iron blades sat on racks waiting to be used, chips and scratches from years of wear showing even from a distance. Bad took off his own custom sword in exchange for an iron one, awaiting you to take your own blade.

Unlike the iron blade still holding up in your room, this blade seemed rather less balanced, shifting to the right when needed to be straight- however you could work with what you had. After all, there was not always a guarantee of a good blade wherever you ventured.

"You know, I normally spar with Skeppy when I have a chance, but I guess he stayed in the meeting today." Bad began, his eyes glinting with admiration. "Oh! But don't get me wrong, I think you'll be a good sparring partner too."

Bad's mumbling amused you, something you would sometimes find Ranboo do. He would always mumble to himself whenever he forgot about something, trying to remind himself about the thing he had just forgotten. You couldn't forget the excitement he always got when he did remember, whether it be from his journal or just a click in his memory, you missed it.

Sheath (Technoblade x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now