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♡ ♥ When Adrian had passed, the deal he made with the Wither Skeletons vanished as well. They were simple creatures that followed orders, so once the Enderman died, they had no reason to fight- sinking into the lakes of lava to slumber undisturbed.

Of course, lives had been lost to the blades of enemies, but with your magic- those who had clung onto life while struggling with the Withering effects had been able to return from the brink of death thanks to you.

Returning to the castle had never been so relieving, knowing that the war had finally been over after years of fighting. Despite you only being involved for a few months, it felt as if you had been fighting vigilantly with these people your whole life. It was safe to say, the Nether and its inhabitants felt like home.

Without the rattling threat of Wither Skeletons, and a thorough search for anymore traitors, the kingdom went back to its peaceful state.

You had returned to the surface days after the war ended, snow now ankle deep after all this time. The crisp white weather left your breath to form in the air, the tips of your ears and nose red in mere moments- however the warmth of the Nether never left your heart, for Technoblade joined you.

His crown didn't bear a title anymore, instead it was now a symbol of what he left behind. After the passing of Adrian, there had been no more point for a king to keep the balance of the Nether- for each and every species had come together to fight against one common enemy that was no more. There had been no need for a king when everyone was fully capable of taking care of themselves.

You had never been one to live with much riches, always testing your fate with a few pocketed coins. It brought you back to when you could hardly afford winter preparations, struggling to keep your wrists away from iron cuffs. Who would have known that a simple few coins could change your life like this.

Phil had went back to living within his own home, his sons Wilbur and Tommy occasionally visiting as they shared their stories, keeping the feathered man busy in his retired days. As for Ranboo, he had gone off on his own one night, leaving a note with his scribbled handwriting stating he had to complete his own story- and that he would come and visit. His leave was bittersweet, for you would miss him very dearly, however a bird had to leave the nest at some point.

He took only his most precious belongings with him, for he hadn't been able to have many things in the first place. Worry blossomed in your heart at the thought of traders finding him, however, you believed he would be just fine.

As for you. Being a thief hiding in the Nether wasn't always the best idea you had come up with, and weeks after the Skeletons had left the world in peace, another problem found you.

The Imperial guard had no problem finding you and your crimes, their iron blades finding you freely wandering the streets of a village, emeralds passing your hands for a few materials you needed for potions. Their armoured bodies clanked together as their blades pointed at you, recited words of your crimes pouring from their mouths.

They had been quickly silenced once they saw Technoblade close by your side, withdrawing their swords and not daring to challenge the Blood God himself.

Without a worry in the world, you settled in a small home near the tundra, the snow a common sight to the environment. The quiet life was something you had desired since a child, the open and relaxed atmosphere welcoming compared to the years of fear and stress.

Your hands had been stirring a pot full of soup, the aroma settling on the back of your tongue while you resisted to eat a bowl at that moment. You had expected company soon, for you had invited a few people to enjoy this one year anniversary of peace with each other. The cackling of the fire brought your breath to a steady pace while you worked, the background noise much better than the distant screams of the Nether.

Sheath (Technoblade x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now