♥ 6 ♥

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♡ ♥ Your hands were wrinkled like an aged lady over time from the water. While most of the other had made haste leaving the chambers to rest for the night, you worked through the night with endless thoughts keeping you awake. Mostly Ranboo was where your mind was as you thought about his well-being. Did he make it to Phil's house aright? How was he enjoying it?

You hoped he could learn to forget about you, at least until you escaped this place.

You could still remember the boys smiling monochrome face, he was always so kind to the world when it wasn't kind to him, treating you and others with a respect you couldn't muster if you were in his shoes.

The thoughts had transitioned to Technoblade, the supposed king of the Nether. Anger bubbled in your chest at the thought. How was it that the man who you nearly stolen from, who was a thread away from cutting off your hand, be the leader of literal hell?

Then again, nothing made sense in this world.

The pile of sheets in the corner in the room grew smaller until there was nothing left other than the dusty corners that hadn't been touched in who knows how long. Each sheet was a pristine white once you were done with them, hanging on racks made from the trees in this world to dry. You didn't even feel the exaustion set in until the Piglin from earlier came in to see all the laundry done, by just your hand.

"Lass! Did you do all this?" Her voice was concerned for you, and her hands were gentle as they made you sit on a nearby chair. You could feel the warmth of her skin and didn't even realize how cold you were from the temperature of the room. She looked stunned as she saw rack after rack of sheets and blankets hung to dry, her small fangs showing as her jaw opened in astonishment.

"I told you I knew how to do laundry." You chuckled, getting up from the chair. Grabbing a towel, you dried your hands and rolled down your sleeves, ready for the next task. The Piglin looked flabbergastered at your actions, not seeing a single ounce of exhaustion in you. That reminded you of the fact that you didn't even know her name. "I seemed to never ask your name, and I don't want to call you anything offensive."

"Clara...but that doesn't matter! You should have rested with the rest of the girls, why did you do that?" Her voice was concerned, like that of a mother. You should have seen how kind she was before, but then again, a maid shouldn't make rude assumptions.

"Too many thoguhts to fall asleep with, so I work as I try to sort through them." You glanced to the side, another room with the glow of fire peaking from below. "Is there anything else I can help you with, Clara?"

She frowned, thinking about her options carefully, however she didn't deny your help as she showed you to another room, a kitchen that was much larger than the laundry room. The ovens here were very well-kept compared to the one you had at your old home. The steel used to cook things on was pristine and clean, and you could see dough, probably made last night, rising on some oak tables.

"I just need some help baking bread and delivering it to the Lords and Ladies through the castle....but after that, you are going to rest!" Her voice raised at the end, but it was all with pure concern for your health. To say you were quite pleased with her kindness was an understatement.

Clara proceeded to teach you the proper way to bake the bread to perfection, adding some cheese from the Overworld cows onto plates; complimented with foods found from the Nether's blue forests scattered across its land. Overall, it was a simple meal that allowed the residents to start the day off with just what they needed, while not stuffing them to the point of sleep.

You followed Clara through the halls only the maids knew about, carrying trays of food to room after room. Each time you got to a certain level, you would press on the wall and step out into the hallways, knocking on the Nobles doors and delivering them the dish for the morning. You were delivering one of your last few silver dishes, knocking on the wooden door swiftly. As usual, you heard the scuffling of someone getting up and putting on some clothes, before the door clicked and showed the Noble on the other side. You didn't look them in the eye, but instead kept your head down to look at their boots.

Sheath (Technoblade x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now