♥ 14 ♥

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♡ ♥ The question of your...talent did not surprise you. Many would question your knowledge of such a dangerous magic that you had achieved, that is if they had known you used it.

However, you trusted Adrian with the knowledge of your power, so perhaps you could trust him with your origins; he had been nothing but kind to you during your stay here.

The problem was, you couldn't tell anyone the truth.

"I raided a stronghold some years ago, traversing it's wide library of abandoned books- I found one upon the hidden language, studying during many months how to speak it and conjure the magic," you paused, looking up into the purple eyes of the Enderman. His face was one of pure focus, entranced by the idea of such a power hidden away in you. He was buying your lie.

"The book gave me simple spells to learn, the healing spell I performed happened one of them."

"And what happened to this book?" He questioned.

You pondered for a moment before speaking.

"I burned it."

The air around you stilled, the particles flying off of Adrian increasing; perhaps it was the trick of the eye, but his smile was light as he responded.

"Why? Did you not wish to study it more?" He asked, weaving his fingers together. His lips were thin as he finished speaking, patiently awaiting your next lie. Of course you wouldn't tell him the truth, there were too many risks. Yet it didn't help but make you feel the slightest bit guilty.

"There were spells inside that should not have been used, ones of control, of death."

Silence built around the two of you, replacing the once calming area of the room. Had there been anyone else in the room, you wouldn't have been so awkward during that moment. However, Adrian did not look at you with shame, so you had suspected; but rather with kind eyes and a genuine smile on his otherworldly features.

"I believe you made the best choice, (y/n)"

He placed a gentle hand on your shoulder, reassuring you that you made the best choice. It calmed you, although it was strange

You didn't stay longer than you needed. Adrian didn't stop you when you made to leave, instead waving at you and telling you to 'visit him again soon.'

You wouldn't be, not for a while.

It was strange, but you were unsure as to why. Perhaps you had been expecting to talk about something different, maybe even stay a little longer as you discussed something more lighthearted. You blamed the pressure of the danger looming on the surface, the constant threat of Wither Skeletons possibly appearing any moment into the hallways of the castle.

Your feet walked along the carpeted halls, unsure of your destination. On instinct you found the wooden door that lead to the maids chambers, the place you spent days working to clear your name from a crime you mistakenly committed. Your steps were quiet as you entered, not bothering to knock for the chatter inside would surely drown out the sound. Inside you could hear the happy laughter of those scrubbing the sheets, talk of the latest gossip something you missed dearly.

You peered your head inside, catching the eyes of a few who then stopped their talking to wave at you. It almost seemed out of place, you in a simple blue gown whilst the others around you wore black worn outfits that you had once shared. The memory brought a smile to your face.

"Clara! Someone is here to see you!" One of the maids shouted, giggling as you heard a yell from the kitchen. You finally stepped out from behind the wall and into the doorway, waiting for Clara to appear.

Sheath (Technoblade x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now