♡ 13 ♡

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♡ ♥ Anyone that had dared give you a disrespectful glance before, looked away in fear of Technoblade's wrath. The Piglin was quick to dismiss the meeting after his outburst, stating that there would be another held the next day.

No one made an argument, a silent agreement for everyone to take a moment of rest in this time of war. You had only gotten a lick of the battle, and yet the stress was already begging to let loose.

It didn't help that you found yourself at library late into the night, your eyes reading over the words with ease, although you had to stop and read over a section over again while your mind continued to distract itself. Thoughts of Ranboo and Philza crossed your mind multiple times, twisting your gut in fear that they could be in harm. Yet each time doubt bubbled into your throat, you quickly shot it down with the confidence that Phil was safe.

The glass skylight above you was glimmering, glow stone above casting a light yellow light onto the pages of the book. You hadn't even been sure of what you were reading.

"I didn't expect to find another interesting in reading here." A voice behind you spoke. You quickly closed the book, losing the page you had managed to skim to. Your head turned so you could just see the blurry outline of who was behind you, their tall frame becoming all-too familiar to your smaller one.

"Lord Technoblade," you nodded, releasing a breath you didn't know you were holding. "I thought you would be sleeping, seeing as how exhausted you were earlier."

The Piglin smirked, walking over and taking a seat across from you. He quickly adjusted his mask on his face before his red eyes flickered up to your own, his tired gaze seemingly fading right past you.

"I normally come here when I cannot sleep. Hardly anyone comes here anymore, so I do not have to worry about unwanted company."

"I could leave if you want."

"No, please stay, I enjoy your company."

You bit your lip at this, contemplating leaving anyways. It felt rude to intrude on his time, despite you being here first, nevertheless the look he gave was sincere.

You didn't move, and instead opened the book in your hand to a random page, not quite remembering where you were anyways. Focus was not something you found, and it took much control not to look at the Man sitting across from you who was also stealing glances.

"Thank you for defending me earlier." Was all you could think to say.

Either he had zoned out, or wasn't expecting you to thank him, Techno sat in his seat with parted lips, struggling to say something.

"It....was what needed to be done. Most of my court is respectful with newcomers, but reminders are needed with with General Barnett." Technoblade went to rub his temples, however his mask had gotten in the way. Letting out a sigh, he dropped his hands and looked up to you, gauging your reaction.

"Why not take off your mask? Surely it isn't comfortable wearing it all the time." You pondered, although you worried you overstepped. It was almost as if you had forgotten that he was a king, one that didn't take orders from anyone.

But it's not like you were ordering him to take it off.

"My face isn't the most sightly to those who aren't accustomed to the Piglins." He spoke simply, hand fidgeting with the cuff of his sleeve. It almost made you giggle at this embarrassment, like a child ashamed of something that wasn't in their control.

Closing your book once more, you set it down and focused your words on him. "Techno, I worked here for weeks, working with Piglins and humans alike. One of my favourite people happens to be a Enderman hybrid....

Sheath (Technoblade x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now