♡ 21 ♡

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♡ ♥ The dress Clara had made for you had been neatly hung up as to prevent her beautiful work from wrinkling, gems twinkling in the dying light from the warm embers of your fireplace.

Your body was light as you enveloped yourself in the baths scented water, the salts removing the aches from the past night from your body. The amount of dancing you had done was uncanny, however your body did not forget the way Technoblade's skin lingered on yours.

After trading passionate glances in the library, a tired yawn had signalled that the early hours of the morning was upon you- so Techno offered to walk you to your room; hand intertwined with yours before he bid you goodnight. The memory flashing of his lips pecking your forehead before leaving you to rest. Each thought brought a smile to your face while you dried your hair, combing scented oils into it to create an alluring scent.

Your feet felt much better in your black boots, the ache of your heels still faintly there as you began walking through the halls, practically dancing with the soaring happiness inside you. The golden light of the glow stone casted a warm hue around the castle, a calm aura only created by a night of activity surrounding you. The party had been a great success in easing the pressure on your shoulders.

Stopping at Phil's door, you gave a few knocks on the thick oak before entering the room. Last time you saw him, he had been a drunk mess with no filter. Now? He was calmly sipping tea without a trace of his previously drunken state, sly smile appearing when he saw you.

"How was your little date in the library last night?" Phil asked, eyeing the red necklace you still wore. There was no point in taking it off, the warm gold pleasantly kissing your skin while the gem glittered with your eyes. Plus, it was a gift, one you would cherish.

"How do you know I went to the library?" You asked, eyeing the winged male suspiciously. He had supposedly fallen asleep last time you checked, the alcohol knocking him out in mere minutes last night.

You didn't like where this was going. Phil sighed, shifting his wings to be more comfortable as he spoke. "Oh please, I have over several decades of drinking under my belt, you really think a few glasses of wine would turn me into a mess?"

Your stomach dropped as you realized this.

"You set us up-"

"And it worked. Clara told me all about how her little maids saw you dancing in the library. We have very similar interests concerning young love, her and I." His words took a moment to click in your head. Clara had been in this too, scheming for you to get together with the King himself.

And honestly, you were grateful for them.

That fact didn't stop you from still being slightly upset. Lightly throwing your hands, you proceeded to hit Phil's wing, which was now protectively wrapped around him.

"You stupid pigeon," you teased a threatening tone, listening to his laughs as you continued to whack his wing, "You have no idea how ready I was to jump into the lava when you said those things."

Had Phil not pulled you from the crowds of dancers, you don't know how your night would go. Techno and you weren't one for big crowds, you knew that much, so thinking of even sharing the same intense kiss you had in the library in front of others sent heat to your cheeks.

"I know...I'm glad to see both of you happy, it's been years since Technoblade has let anyone into his heart, let alone his love life." Phil sighed, finally able to tuck his wing back behind him for you had stopped attacking him a bit ago. His eyes drifted off to a different time, one with his three sons all farming potatoes together.

"He wasn't much different," he started, gesturing for you to sit. You took the offer, pouring yourself some tea as you readied yourself for another story. "He loved to read the books I'd get on my adventures, especially the ones about mythology. I swear some nights he wouldn't even sleep because he was so invested.

Sheath (Technoblade x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now