♡ 17 ♡

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♡ ♥ When you awoke, you felt light. You slept undisturbed, fuzzy memories of your interactions with Techno warming your heart each time you thought back to them.

You dressed in the same attire as yesterday, ignoring the glittering dresses in exchange for something more practical. Deciding to attend the meeting that day, your eyes found Bad and Skeppy sitting next to each other, a small smile on each of their faces. The other generals gave you a nod in greeting, watching as you sat to next to the empty seat where Technoblade should have resided.

Once again, his Royal ass was late.

He didn't take too long, appearing through the doors mere moments after you. The generals stood, each one giving a bow to the king. You did too, however it certainly wasn't very professional. Your eyes met his red ones, a small smile flashing behind his mask.

Sitting in his seat, Technoblade cleared his throat, gesturing to the empty seat in the room. "General Barnett will no longer be joining us anymore. Last night, he had taken (y/n) from the halls, revealing himself to be a traitor to them. He was quickly dealt with by my own blade, and his presence was no longer needed.

So if any of you wish to show where your true allegiance lies, speak now."

The room stayed silent, no one daring to speak against the king with his deadly threat hanging in the air. The tension never left, not even after he hummed and proceeded to explain the current plans.

Without Wart to interfere anymore, the plans went smoothly, and for once each general agreed with the plan assembled. They would keep a half the army in the castle, waiting for a possible attack, while the other half left for the surface, to protect the coordinates that lead into the castle.

Occasionally, your eyes would meet with Techno's, watching as he would quickly rip his eyes away from you when you caught him staring. His childish antics made you giggle, hardly able to focus on the battle plans as your mind trailed to the warmth of his hands on you from last night.

The meeting ended with everyone in agreement, reaching the end to the pointless arguments. You watched as everyone filed out, staying seated. The gentle touch on your neck caused you to flinch, snapping your head to look at who touched you. Adrian's frown grew as worry flashed in his eyes, looking at the bruises around your neck.

"You're hurt..." he explained, retracting his hand with a small apology.

"I'm right, just a bit sore. It happened last night, Barnett had to keep me quiet somehow." You joked, sensing the anger come off of Technoblade right next to you. The Enderman nodded, vanishing for a moment, leaving purple particles in his place.

Moments after, he reappeared, pressing a small bag of something into your hands. "This will rid of the ache, just spread it around your skin before you sleep." He said, stepping back to look at both you and Techno.

"Thank you very much, Adrian." You smiled, tucking the small bag into your pocket. His medicines would always work magic on you, so you had no doubt in his abilities that this would work too.

"Of course, you're a dear friend." His smile faded as he looked over to Techno, who returned his plain expression. The Enderman took it as his cue to leave. "I'll get going now, feel free to visit if anything else bothers you."

Before you could utter another word, he vanished into thin air.

"His medicines never failed me. He's good to have as an ally." Techno said, standing from his chair. Adrian was talented indeed, working wonders on your skin to heal your once distorted arm. His otherworldly presence was something only Technoblade had matched, his sheer black silks cascading off his thin frame, while Techno's bold red clothing showed just how threatening he could be.

Sheath (Technoblade x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now