♡ 23 ♡

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♡ ♥ The Wither Skeletons held Phil down, pinning his wings down in a painful angle- yet they didn't kill him, for now.

Your back was turned to the throne, stomach twisting as you listened to Ranboo's pained cry behind you. Whoever had been behind you had your monochrome friend, and you would not risk his life for your own.

"Turn around (y/n), look at what could be your last moments with him."

His purple eyes shone with amusement as you turned, wide smile stretched on his face as two Wither Skeletons joined his side. One of the ash-coloured Skeletons handed him a sword, iron blade shimmering in the purple light the portals casted. That voice made your stomach twist, heart shattering in pain as your once beloved friend had stood, sword at Ranboo's neck.

Adrian didn't move his hold from Ranboo, purple wisps flying off him as his head tilted. "What? Can't believe your little psychiatrist is capable of such power?" The Wither Skeletons rattled, as if it was there own way of laughing at you. You swung your sword in anger- onyx blade shimmering with an enchanting purple shine, but it never got close, for Adrian teleported both Ranboo and himself backwards.

"I trusted you, Adrian- we all did!" You shouted, letting your anger speak for you. You remembered his gentle touch on your skin as he healed you, his laughter when you spent time with him- had it all been a lie, just to gain your trust?

"Barnett trusted me too, stupid pig, he was supposed to capture you, but he took his rage too far- almost ended up killing you. Thank goodness Technoblade was there, or else my whole plan would have gone to shambles." Your eyes narrowed at the memory, replaying the scene of Wart dragging you all the way to a distant twisted forest.

"It was a shame, he was such a good pawn, trusting every word I said. And then you had to go along and cling with that crowned Piglin every night since then- getting you away from him was hard, and even then there wasn't a single opportunity for me to catch you off guard." Behind you, Phil thrusted his wings in attempt to escape, pushing back a few Skeletons off of him. His hand reached for his sword, only for a Wither Skeleton to pierce his wing with its black blade. His cry shot fear into your bones, your heart trembling as the Skeletons blocked your path to reach him.

"Phil!" Your voice was desperate as you turned to him, taking a few steps towards him. The wound he received was quickly crumbling, his black feathers withering while his teeth clenched- he was holding back his tears, but you weren't sure how much time he had before the effects took his life.

"Here's an idea- an offer if you will. I'll let you heal him, and I'll release Ranboo, so long as you come with me." He extended his hand to you, a smirk on his face as he watched you internally panic.

Looking back to Ranboo, then to Phil, your heart dropped. There was no way you could save both of them, not without a Withered blade ending one. Your magic burned at your fingertips, lips parting as you readied yourself to use the magic. Adrian was quick to notice your shift in attack, lifting his blade closer to Ranboo's neck. "I suggest you save your magic for later- you can't save both of them fast enough."

The rattling of bones echoed in the room, shaking your heart with fear. As much as you hated to admit it, Adrian had been right. No matter what you did, how you twisted your sword or spewed out a few magic words, someone would be leaving here with a blade through their chest.

"Alright," you threw your onyx sword away, staring right into the Endermans cold purple eyes, "I'll come with you, just let my friends go."

"Of course, you have my word." He waved his hand to the Wither Skeletons, black bones parting away from Phil. Magic burned at your fingertips as you ran to him, hands finding his wing that had currently been crumbling from the wound. Looking at his face, you could see black veins could be seen under his paling skin, the Withering effects spreading further through his body.

Sheath (Technoblade x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now