♡ 27 ♡

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♡ ♥ You expected death to be quicker, and possibly more dark. Hell, you even expected it to be cold, like an empty void.

However, when you felt familiar hands graze your waist, your eyes shot open.

Your lungs heaved as your head burst through the surface of the thick lava, a hand on the back of your head keeping you steady as you adjusted to the feeling. The heat of the lava kissed your skin, but it didn't burn-

Then it clicked, the kiss, the liquid passing your throat moments before contact with the lava. Technoblade had saved your life by sharing that single fire protection potion.

He had saved your life, again.

Said Piglin was right beside you, the density of the lava pushing you to the surface easily. He looked exhausted, dark bags under his eyes as his red hues stared into your gaze. His hand left the back of your head as soon as you nodded, a small smile playing on his lips.

"How many times has I saved your life? Three?" He joked, pushing himself through the lava.

"You're counting?" You laughed back, joining him through the thick molten stone to reach the edge of land. You could feel the lava pass between your fingers as you moved, the feeling much like that of a slime. It had been thick, almost physically taxing to make it through the surface, but the warmth of the lava was similar to Technoblade. "You know, you're cute when your mad."

Huffing with amusement, Techno reached the land first, immediately turning and reaching his hand out for you. There wasn't a moment of hesitation as you grasped onto him, feeling your body being pulled out of the lava like you were a feather.

Your eyes darted back to where you had fallen- the bridge above you was completely destroyed, the tower completely cut off from the rest of the battle still going on above. Squinting your eyes, you could have sworn you saw a flicker of purple eyes from above.

"He's going to be a toothpick by the time I'm done with him." The Piglin growled beside you, his hand clenching around his sheathed blade. "However, that Wither is going to be a problem."

The Wither had been mercilessly hacking balls of molten flame into the crowd of skeletons and armoured fighters above, overwhelming the army only prepared to fight a few measly skeletons. There had been some hope, for you remember how you could feel the magic pulse in its body, as if it was your own.

It made sense, seeing as it was your magic that had brought it to life in the first place. But the feeling of it being in control made you wonder if you could reverse the spell, instead retracting the powerful magic powering it.

"I can take it." You said as you began your trek back to the battle. Technoblade followed, opening his mouth to question. 

"Not alone you're not." You shrugged off his serious time, looking back to him. He hadn't found his mask after ditching it while falling, and you wouldn't be surprised if it had burnt to a crisp in the molten stone. Your hands grazed his, intertwining your fingers together- keeping him close this time. You would protect him at all costs, for you had fallen deeply for him, and in such a short amount of time.

He would come and fight for you, battling anything that came between the two of you, so on your march back to battle, you made sure to never let go of his hand- a reminded that you would always be by his side until your very last breath.

When your eyes caught the first glimmer of a sword, your hand automatically reached for your hip. However, you had lost your sword back in the fall, the material probably sunken to the bottom of the molten lava- but the tingle in your fingertips reminded you that you had not been powerless.

Sheath (Technoblade x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now