♡ 7 ♡

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♡ ♥ Clara didn't allow you out of bed until the next morning, to which you were grateful for.

The exhaustion you felt had melted away as you slept, and the pain in your arm had eased immensely thanks to Adrians work. Because the Nether had no proper way of telling day from night, clocks that were adjusted to the Overworlds time had been framed to the wall. That way, you could be awake for the next day of work.

It had become routine after several days, fit the maid dress on, strap the golden crown under the frills, and begin your day of chores. The crown had to be with you, for the shared room you had with several other maids proved to not be safe with personal belongings. Time to time, other people's stuff would go missing even though they were hidden in the most elaborate spots, and you didn't want to risk losing such a valued item.

It didn't take a genius to figure out that it was most likely King Technoblade's crown. From the place that you had found it sitting outside his camp, dropped in a hurry to get away from whoever was chasing him, to the lack of crown on his head when he sat on the throne. Perhaps he was having a new crown made, more grand than the last.

Shrugging off the thought, you were bringing a bucket of water and a new cloth to the throne room, seeing as his Highness and the battalion of warriors by his side had gone out a few days ago to attack the leaked location of the Withers. It was the perfect time to get your work done, whilst also looking for a way to escape.

Closing the large wooden doors behind you, the empty throne room that once served as your trial room was only an echo of what it could be. Without the crowds to overlook the crimes of the criminal, it was nearly like a normal room. Only occupied with the echos of voices that had long since passed.

Leaving the bucket and cloth on the ground, you immediately made your way behind the throne and towards the curtain you remember The King returning to once he spared your life a second time. Moving the red curtains away, you spotted a door like all the others, however, when you tried to open it, the sound of a lock preventing you from going further sounded with a metal clink. You groaned in frustration, jiggling the door as if it would open despite being sealed.

You pulled away with your hands on your temples, taking a few steps back only to bump into the back of the throne. Pressing your back flush to the chair, you let out a sigh while looking up to the ceiling, as if it would help you find the way out you needed.

When you finally wallowed in your dissatisfaction, you turned to return to your bucket, but something on the throne caught your eye. The intricate gold designs were wrapped around jewels of dazzling colour, a display of power only able to be seen with the one who sat upon the throne. But your eyes caught something else, something the king too, couldn't help but stare at.

Out of all of the jewels, one was black set upon what seemed to be a loose hunk of gold. Without much thought, your hands went to touch it, pressing on the jewel and clicking the gold into a seal.

You didn't expect it to jump up slightly.

Gasping, you waited a moment for the gold to stop moving before picking it up. The black jewel was attached to a hilt, and eyeing it carefully, you wrapped your hands around the hilt that had popped from the throne and withdrew it from its sheath.

A black blade was slowly retraced from the throne, leaving only a little hole from which it was pulled. To say you were amazed was an understatement. Swinging it around, the blade was wonderfully crafted and sparkled in the golden light that danced in the throne room. This must have been a secret weapon for if anyone had tried to attack the King when he was unarmed.

Quite smart, that Technoblade was.

You were thankful for how quiet the throne room was when empty, for your little ears could just barely pick up the sound of thudding boots from the hallway on the other side of the door. Panicking, you sheathed the sword with ease, quickly running to your bucket and splashing some water on the polished marble floor. You had just made it, for as soon as you dropped to your knees and began scrubbing, whoever was on the other side hastily made their way in.

Sheath (Technoblade x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now