Chapter Four

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Author's Note: As i promised, the introduction of Loki comes in this chapter. And there will be much, much more of him to come. Don't get impatient with me, as I'm still writing as I go. Okay, so read, comment, vote and feel the Loki feels.



"This...this is a bedroom? My bedroom? Shit..." I gasp. Something tells me I shouldn't attempt to jump about on this golden bed that is quite literally the size of my entire bedroom back home. I sit delicately on the edge afraid to mess up the bedspread. I run my fingers across it carefully--silk. And I would venture to guess it's not exactly the polyester blend back home either.

I breathe, "Thank you so much."

"It is nothing," Thor brushes my gratitude off.

"I mean it though. Thank you for looking after me and being kind and for speaking on my behalf. Without you I never would have gotten to come here and I am forever grateful," I smile, reaching up to take his hand.

"I am not entirely to thank. brother was the one who truly brought you here," Thor says, lips pressing into a tight line. He looks uncomfortable with the subject.

"How? Does he even know me?"

Thor shakes his head, "It was something he said I suppose, that led me to you."

I lean back a little, bracing myself on my arms. "I should like to meet him. Where is he hiding, then?" I joke. Something sounds familiar about Loki. Other than my obvious connections.

"He is imprisoned."

I sit up, "Can we go see him?" The question came out of my mouth impulsively. Curiosity has always been a fault of mine.


"That's it? Just no?" I ask out loud, without meaning to. Thor looks at me a bit irritably and I can sense that Loki is just an open would festering under my touch.

The corners of his mouth tug down irritably and I can see clearly that we've broached a touchy topic. Score for my first day in the place and already managing to insult the king. "I take it back. Sorry."

"No, perhaps it is a fair idea. I have not visited him for some time...but I have been preoccupied," Thor looks guilty.

"Come on, Thor. Time to change things up," I attempt to cheer him. "Let us dig up some ghosts, eh? Yeah, that wasn't the best thing to bad. I have a foot in mouth habit."

"I do not understand. You enjoy putting your foot in your mouth?" He asks as we move towards the door. I nearly spit everywhere as I laugh.

"No! No, it's an expression. From Earth. Oh goodness, this ought to be fun."

The dungeon, if that's what it should be called, is dank and dark. The stone floor echoes every time we take a step, the sound deafening in the silence between us. "Isn't this the part where you warn me about what's to come?"

Thor doesn't look at me, but his brow pulls together, "Do you recall the battle in the new city of York?"

"New York?" I correct even though it's useless. "Yeah, last year. I was doing study abroad so I sort of missed the whole thing. Something about an attack and the Avengers?"

Thor looks surprisingly incredulous, "It is not so simple as that. My brother is beyond troubled. Loki is the embodiment of lies and betrayal...he lead the attack on New York."

"But you still care about him. I can see it," I prod the wound, anxious to see the almighty Loki, destroyer of worlds.

"I do," Thor replies after a brief pause. We come upon a set of thick stone doors, reinforced with a woven iron pattern. I highly doubt that it is merely for decoration. The two guards attending the doors open them and reveal another guard standing in the midst of a seemingly empty room.

"The design was borrowed, I do admit," Thor shrugs and my eyes trail upwards to where his are directed. Suspended above the ground, high in the air, is a large gold and glass cage, attached to an intricate series of chains and a pulley system. The fancy equivalent of a fish tank is a cylinder, short and wide, which would look straight out of a sci-fi movie if it wasn't for the ornate golden trees sculpted into the sides. The branches crawl the height of the chamber and then fade away into the chains that keep the cage elevated.

"That is Loki's cell?" I gasp.

"We had to ensure many measures were taken to protect Loki," Thor nods.

"Protect him?"

"From himself...from temptation...from the outside world. He has incurred many enemies in his travels, I assure you."

"I would believe it." I try for now to reserve my judgements. I mean, he did try to take over the free world. Not a huge fan of those shenanigans. Okay, I can't be entirely mad. I was a little oblivious to the fact that it was even happening, and my parents were reluctant to speak of it...which only now makes sense.

I hesitate before asking another favor. "May I meet him?"

Before I know it, the guard has released the lever and caged Loki is being lowered towards us. My heart skips a beat with anticipation and absolute terror. The cage touches down and Thor leads me to the glass, noticeably staying away from the door. Guess we'll just get the fish bowl view. I stay slightly behind Thor, not sure what to expect. What I lay my eyes upon is most definitely the opposite of what I was expecting. Inside the glass, with his back turned to us is a hunched figure, his face hidden and his dark hair a long mess. He stands, though looks to be on the verge of keeling over. He is thin, and his clothes, clearly once splendid Asgardian robes of deep green, have faded and worn. I can only imagine his face and mind are in an eerily similar state.

"Brother," there is no response to speak of. "I have acted upon your advice and I have brought the lady Valkyrie of Midgard to assist us in the battle of the approaching darkness."

"You can call me Val," I suggest, trying to remain nonchalant whilst my pulse rages on. He makes some sort of sound of muffled amusement. Very slowly and surely Loki turns, revealing himself to Thor and I. My fingernails dig into my palms at the sight of him. A swell of sympathy rises in me that I ignore entirely. His eyes are tired and red rimmed, his cheeks sunken. I can imagine he was at some point in time rather attractive. Though evidently everybody and their dog is attractive on Asgard.

"Or you can't..." I mutter in grotesque wonder. His lips, dry and frowning, have been sewn shut completely. There is old blood caked around the wounds and my own lips ache with the very thought of it. His vivid green eyes bore straight into mine. If he were to speak, I'm sure he would have some choice words for Thor and I. "Oh my god," I mutter though I meant to keep it inside. I pity him, though I am sure Thor would advise me against it. He is dangerous without a doubt. I can see the raw madness in his eyes, that have not left me. He looks me up and down slowly with an arched eyebrow. I can imagine him asking Thor how in Valhalla a girl from Earth is going to save the day. And to be honest, I have no idea if I even can. Thor has unfounded faith in me. Ugh, I'm starting to feel sick to my stomach again.

"We should depart now," Thor puts a hand on my arm. I hadn't even noticed I was swaying on my feet.

"I...okay," I finally tear my eyes from Loki, but I can feel his eyes lingering on me. Thor gestures to the guard and the cage is slowly lifted back into the air. I chance a glance over my shoulder and a smirk plays across his bonded lips.

"Thor, wait up!"

"We should not have come here. Loki is not to be trusted around anyone, let alone you," Thor mutters bitterly.

I scoff, "Excuse me?"

"I mean no offense, my lady. Simply, it is but your first day here," Thor amends, "Asgard keeps many secrets. Loki is a secret it should have kept longer."

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