Chapter Twenty

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Author's Note: Friendly reminder that only the plot, and OCs are mine, the rest belongs to Marvel and the respective parties. Okay. CHAPTER TWENTY. Woo. We're at a nice crossroads here. Now, please comment and vote, as you have been. I'm posting this chapter so soon because I want to...I have no life, and I really like this chapter, so I want to know what you think. Thanks for all the support, my bros. Sorry. I won't call you bros again. :D



Tell me which way the wind is blowing,

Tell me which way the sea is rolling,

I’ve lost my love and now she’s going,

Tell me which way—


Nope. This isn’t happening. "Do you think that perhaps they will attack from behind?" Thor asks and I roll onto my side, facing away from him.

"I am not even touching that innuendo," I sigh and bury my face into my pillow. It smells of lavender and there is something comforting about it so I inhale deeper. My hair is still damp from my bath before bed and I can't recall when exactly I went to sleep. All I know for certain is that I got the most complete sleep since I've been here, which is surprising considering the events of yesterday.

"I do not understand," Thor says.

I open one eye and turn my head to look at him. "Don't worry about it, big boy."

"You have things to attend to today," Thor frowns.

I sit up, "Sword fighting? Please tell me you're going to teach me to sword fight!" I cross my fingers which only manages to confuse him further. He shakes his head and so I reach up and wrap my arms as far as they reach around his shoulders and I pull him down onto the bed with me. "Give me five minutes of cuddling and then I'm game for whatever the day holds."

 "I am not certain--"

"Shh!" I pull him down and throw my arms across his broad chest. His body radiates heat, and I find it more than easy to fall back into a languid state of sleep.  

 “Wake up,” a voice says not a moment later. I open my eyes and Loki is sitting where I last recall Thor being. I remove my arm from his lap awkwardly and do my best to ignore the fact that I was half cuddling his body. "Frigga has plans for you," Loki says even though I did not ask.

"No need to make it sound so menacing, thanks," I sigh. I swing my legs over the edge of the bed and get up to get changed. I open my closet and look over my shoulder at Loki, who is carefully watching me. "You can go..."

"I thought I'm not supposed to be out of your sight," Loki smirks and I could just slap it right off of his face. I slam the door shut and turn in my closet looking at all the gowns. I've run out of anything that could pass as functional and so I pull a loose, light blue dress from the rack and shrug out of my pajamas and into the airy gown. In theory, it is both beautiful and comfortable, but in length it falls to the floor. I pick up my bra from where I left it last's not going to work in this dress. Ugh. I don't understand women who feel confined by bras. I'd rather not have sagging boobs, thank you very much. I toss it back with the rest of the mess of my clothes and I slide the thin strap back up my shoulders, holding the dress up.

"Loki," I open the door, praying he's still there and he is. He has moved himself to the floor, sitting cross legged and doing apparently nothing. I stare at him and he turns his head slowly to look at me. "Make yourself useful."

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