Chapter Forty

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Author's Note: Well. FORTY. That's a lot. I can't believe we've come this far and it's not even over yet! Yay! And onward we still go! Thank you for the love and comments, I really appreciate them! And thanks for the congrats on graduation - I am officially a high school graduate. Madness! I have to apologize in advance because this chapter gets a little angsty. You will see in time. Loki and Val have lots of issues to deal with, now don't they? Onwards!



“Again?” I call out, toeing the two bodies in a heap at my feet. There is hesitation.

“Yes…yes I suppose so,” Loki’s voice chimes out. The bodies disappear from before me and are suddenly on their feet again.

“How are you feeling?” I shout. I hear Loki’s laughter and his arms fold around me from behind, his conjured battle scenario disappearing, enemies vanishing before my eyes. “Sorry, I was yelling again, wasn’t I?”

He nods, amused. “That’s no matter. It’s best we take a break. I could use a distraction after all.” He presses his lips to my neck. I hold up a hand but he persists, placing warm kisses along my shoulder, pulling my tunic aside.

“Wait,” I hiss, pushing him away. I draw my sword again, listening to the near silence—then I hear it again. Loki opens his mouth and I lay a hand over his mouth, flashing a glare at him. “Shut the fuck up, Loki!” I mouth and he smirks.

There! A rustling somewhere off in the distance. I whip around, thrusting my sword forward and straight into another assailant. I yank the sword back out and he crumples at my feet with a thump. I roll my head to the side and arch an eyebrow at Loki who shrugs and grins sheepishly.

“And here I thought we were done,” I taunt, resheathing my practice sword. Loki struts over and slides his hands across my waist, nuzzling me slightly with the side of his face.

He nods, “Well, we are now. I was thinking…”

“A dangerous pastime!”

“I know,” Loki laughs, inadvertently completing my Disney reference. I smile from ear to ear, holding onto his arms. “Now perhaps we can have some time to ourselves—no enemies, no magic, no Thor, no Asgard.”

“No Asgard?”

“Nothing but us.” Loki looks down, turning my hands over in his. “Well, and a few familiar faces.”


He grins and suddenly we are standing on the Bifrost. I put my hands on my hips and eye him skeptically, “Where are we going this time?”

“Earth,” he says quietly, “but I have been given permission this time around, I can promise you that much.”

Comforting,” I mumble and he catches me by the elbow again, leading me towards Heimdall’s post. Heimdall allows us past without a word or a second glance and I begin to worry what everyone could possibly be conspiring over without me. Even Thor was in an odd mood at breakfast before Loki and I went off to train together. And by together mostly I mean I was forced to run around and fight imaginary beings that Loki conjured up while he stood idly by, weaving magic with his fingertips.

The Bifrost quickly envelopes us and it feels for a moment as though the air has been forcibly squeezed right out of my body. Everything rushes past in a blur of light until I find myself stumbling back onto my feet with Loki’s arm around me. The Bifrost disappears and I take a moment to gather myself before looking around. Loki watches me carefully and I frown, furrowing my brow, altogether quite confused as to what exactly is happening and where on Earth we are.

Recompense [Fólkvangr End, Book 1] [Loki Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now