Chapter Thirty

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Author's Note: I intended to post this earlier this week, but it's a crazy time right now. I've been at auditions, writing papers, and, most importantly. Tomorrow is my last day of high school. Ever. It's exhilerating and sad all at once. I haven't cried yet, but I make no promises about tomorrow. So, this is sort of a special late night update because I love you guys. Also, Chapter bloody THIRTY! That's insane. I'm so very happy to still be going strong at this point. Rest assured, there is so much more to come, though some of what it may be--your guess is as good as mine. As a gift to me and you, comment something you'd like to see happen, or you think will happen and I promise to take each suggestion into consideration as this story progresses. Mostly I'm just interested to see what you guys are hankering for. I make no promises, of course. :P Also, Isitmadness and CrazyCranberry, you guys alright? Those comments make me worry for your sanity...though, who am I to comment on sanity...



"He, uh, he was going to kiss you," Banner says simply. I am surprised to hear the words coming from his mouth let alone at all. He was, wasn't he? I suppose I hadn’t considered the reverse of what I felt towards Loki. That he could possibly feel that way about me.

"Yeah," I nod, staring off into the Manhattan skyline where I know they are not, but it brings me some sort of comfort to keep staring. No closure, just emptiness. Getting to say goodbye doesn't make it any easier.

"I knew it!" Tony squeals like a teenage girl. I squeeze my eyes shut for just a moment and then turn my back to the skyline and open them again, heading back inside past the two of them. When I get to the elevator, it opens, and I man dressed in black leather, complete with an eyepatch, steps out.

"Miss Sutton?"

I nod.

"I'd like a word with you."

"And I'd like to get drunk. Can we do both at once?” I ask wearily. I feel a hand on my shoulder and Tony has stepped in front of me. I stare at the back of his head.

“Fury, how about we give her a moment here, okay?”

“I don’t have a moment to spare for her feelings, Stark. There are pressing matters that threaten global security  and I’m not going to wait a damn second because a little girl just lost her little plaything,” Fury says. I don’t realize I’m doing it, but I lunge forward, my open palm making direct contact with the side of Fury’s face. When the initial shock passes, he looks at me, his one eye boring straight back into mine and my mouth hangs open.


Stark intervenes again, “She didn’t mean it.”

“No, I’m sorry,” I apologize quickly, “I’m sorry, but I don’t regret it. You don’t get to push me around. I’m not one of your Avengers. You don’t get to call Loki a plaything and you most certainly do not get to call me a little girl.”

What is it with authority figures in eyepatches being pricks?

Fury cracks a slight smile. “You’ve got spirit, I’ll give you that. I just find it to be a little..misguided.”

Well, I'll admit that's not exactly what I expected him to say. All may not be lost just yet.

"I understand your hesitance, but trust me. It will only be a few questions from my agents and then I will deliver you back to Mr. Stark," Fury promises. I furrow my brow.

"Do I really have a choice?"

Fury smirks.


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