Chapter Twenty-Four

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Author's Note: I don't have one...? This is new. WAIT. Except the Thor 2: The Dark World trailer. DAMN. Well, prepare for a change in mood, I'm afraid! Be sure to comment and vote and such. Don't be afraid to comment--I know you people are reading. Your silence scares me. :P



I stumble back to my room, stashing the vial away in my nightstand, anxious to find out what Thor wanted from me this morning. In theory I should have gone to find him first, but once I had made my mind up about the cure, it was the only thing I could think about. Tunnel vision, I guess you could call it.

I pause a moment in my door frame to lean up against it and hold myself upright, overwhelmed by a wave of a nausea. I frown, rubbing my forehead, trying desperately to keep myself from thinking about throwing up again. Christ, I hadn’t thrown up since I was probably nine years old and here I am about to throw up again for the second time in a day. My stomach settles and I stagger my way towards the throne room, the first place I’ll begin my hunt for Thor.

Something is wrong, however, and I can feel it still somewhere in my body. It must be a side effect of losing my immortality, but it is gnawing at me from somewhere within. My vision is dark and blurred and I pass someone in the hall who calls out my name. I feel myself sliding down the wall I hadn’t even noticed I was leaning against and I hear my name again in a very familiar voice.

“Valkyrie, what has happened?” Loki’s voice is in my ear as his strong arms wrap around me and pull me back to my feet. I smile at him and reach a numb hand up to touch his face.

“I’m fine, I swear,” I murmur, giving him my best smile. He frowns, his eyes searching mine.

“What did Fandral do to you?” He demands, automatically assuming the defensive. I roll my eyes, and apparently my head too, because I feel its weight falling back. The thrumming in my ears intensifies.

“Nothing. Calm down, Loki.”

“I wish to help you but you must tell me what has transpired.”

“It’s just a side effect, I think.”

“What is? Valkyrie, what is a side effect?”

“I am.”



I wake up wrapped in someone’s arms and very warm and feeling surprisingly better. I snuggle closer and pull my blankets tighter around me. “Loki,” I murmur.

“Ah, afraid not,” I hear Loki’s voice behind me. I sit up, not disturbing the mountainous being next to me who continues to snore, and I turn to see Loki seated at my bedside, fiddling with something or another in his hands. He looks up at me, his eyes glinting in the light from the lamp on my bedside table. I eye the table warily, knowing that the cure is within reach, though it was the cure that has caused me all this trouble.

“Care to explain why I awoke to Thor spooning me?” I ask Loki, crossing my arms over my chest, suddenly chilled again now that I don’t have a hunk of Thor keeping me warm.

Loki arches an eyebrow, “Well I wasn’t about to…did you say spoon?

“Yes, Loki. Spoon. I promise you, I will sit you down and teach you some useful vocabulary soon.”

“I do not have a use for your plebian nomenclature, Valkyrie, nor the time. How are you feeling?”

“No need to get all fancy speak on me, Loki. I am fine. And I yet to have any explanation as to why I am even here?”

Recompense [Fólkvangr End, Book 1] [Loki Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now