Chapter Fourteen

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Author's Note: Sorry, I've been really busy and I've had terrible writer's block with regards to how the rest of the story is going to play out, but I've a little more planned now and I'm going to post a fairly lengthy chapter here to tide over for a little bit. As always, I appreciate the support you've given me and I thank you very much for it. Please make sure to vote and comment! 



Shit. Shit.

I forgot all about the cuffs Odin gave to me. It hasn't even been a minute and I've already lost the mischief maker, trickster god and war criminal that only got out of jail at my behest. I have royally fucked up. I set into a run and dart up the stairs before I'm back into the main section of the palace. I stop to take a breath and look around for anybody that could potentially get me into more trouble. Seeing nobody I dart down the hall, racing for Loki's room, hoping I may find him there. I fling the door open and look around the lifeless room, abandoned for such a long time. Nothing.

I run my hands through my hair and tug at the ends in distress. Okay, okay. If I was Loki, where would I be? Murdering innocents. No, sorry. That's judgmental. I promised myself I wouldn't judge. It doesn't help anyone. Thank goodness Loki can't hear me now. My internal monologue rambles just as much as I do out loud. Swell.

"Loki?" I call softly, hoping for some sort of magical response. "Loki!"

"Looking for someone?" A voice calls from behind me and I nearly jump out of my skin. I turn slowly and surely, forcing a smile to my face.

"Nope, I just misplaced something. I'll be sure to find it soon enough. Thank you...?"

"Forseti, my lady," he grins through very straight white teeth. His yellow blonde hair is slicked back and shining in the morning light.

I flex my fingers anxiously, which draws his attention. "Ooh, don't tell me...god of...god of justice!"

"Very good, my lady," he nods and I curl my hands into fists at my side.

I curtsy slightly, "It was nice meeting you, now I really must be off!" I throw in a breathy laugh for good measure, so as not to seem more distressed than I am. The corner of his mouth quirks up in a peculiar smile and I try to ignore it and I turn to go down the hall. I keep a steady pace until I hear his footsteps echoing in the next hall. I break into a run, my shoes slipping on the marble floors and I nearly run head first into a column. I race past the library, but then stop and backtrack. The door is open just slightly and I catch a glimpse of worn and dirty Loki in the middle of the room. I push the door open slowly and stand in the entrance, watching him carefully. I lean against the door and keep any scathing comments to myself as I watch him simply stroke the spine of some ancient volume. He removes it from the shelf with such care and he merely gazes at it before returning it to its spot. He runs his hand across a row of spines on a high shelf with mesmerizing delicacy. He is tender with them, attentive and gentle. He stands with his back to me and crosses towards the wide windows, much like the ones in my own room. He pulls the curtains aside and light streams into the room and he shies back.

"I suppose not many have ventured into this room since my departure," Loki says quietly, making it known that he is very much aware of my presence. I take this as permission to enter the room and so I do, crossing the threshold towards him, crossing my arms over my chest.

I glare up at him and he doesn't look at me, "I've been in here a few times. Though, most of it I can't actually read. I miss books. Good books, anyway." I uncross my arms, as the defensive position isn't doing me any good. "I don't appreciate you running away on me like that, Loki."

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