Chapter Twenty-Five

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Author's Note: Well, hello again. I'm updating sooner than expected because I've got a lot of writing done and I feel as though I force you poor people to wait. Also, Shannon keeps harassing me. Hi Shannon. Everyone say hello to Shannon, my voice of reason. And yes, she is a real person. And a wonderful one at that. Follow her on wattpad at penderruth! Woo. Okay, now I am apologizing in advance for the road that this story is headed down for now. There's a lot of darkness to explore which is the most fun for writers, but not always for readers. Sometimes it just has to hurt. Let me know what you think in the comments below!



"Do you wish to speak about it?" Thor asks, looking down at me. I hang onto his arm, steadying my sword hand. Loki sits off under a tree, sulking in the shadows and the very sight of him drives me into an angry and defensive panic. I spin around in Thor's arms and disarm him with a flash.

Thor smiles and I shrug, "Dumb luck, I guess. We should try again."

Thor shakes his head, reaching his hand out for my sword. I give it over to him and flash him a tired smile that hurts my face. My cheek is bruised, and the inside of my mouth is swollen. I assured Thor it would heal quickly, but then again, he doesn't know I lack immortality now. No longer in possession of all the fun healing perks, I guess. I wear the dark bruise as a sort of reminder. To myself and Loki. I'll catch him staring at it, looking positively conflicted, and I'll think about it and remind myself that no matter how hard you try and change someone, they're bound to revert back to their true nature. It's certainly taught me that I am too eager to trust.

"You should speak to him about it, if not me," Thor says again lowly.

"Not in the mood, Thor.”

Thor frowns, “My Lady Val, I have known you to be exceedingly understanding and kind, even towards Loki in his darkest days. I am not making an attempt to excuse his actions, as I have not forgiven him myself, but you are the one who has touched his heart. He has lost his way, and all it may take is a little compassion.”

“Compassion hasn’t gotten me jack shit, Thor. Come," I start off down the path back towards the castle, "I promised your mother we would meet for lunch. All of us."

I beckon Loki with a wave of my finger and he falls in behind Thor, his shoulders hunched. I catch his reflection in a window and notice how terrible he actually looks. Like he hasn’t been sleeping, and his eyes have lost their gleam. Well, at least he doesn’t have a swollen face and a bruised neck. Thor catches up to me with one easy stride and takes my arm. He seems convinced as of late that at any moment I am just going to break—which is preposterous. Immortal hybrids don’t simply break. However, mortal humans do, don’t they?

“I really must insist that we speak on the matter of what occurred between you and my brother the other night,” Thor pleads again, and I can feel his puppy dog baby blues on me. I keep my focus straight ahead, ignoring him, which takes a lot of concentration. Soon enough, my head starts to hurt again and I curse myself over for ever giving up immortality for that ungrateful little shithead. I try to glide over the stumble in my step but Thor takes note and holds me closer, forcing my weight upon him to the point where I am hardly holding myself up at all.


Thor hesitates and we both turn around to see Loki, hunched over in the middle of the stairway. I let go of Thor at once and rush to Loki on some sort of unhinged protective instinct. I hesitate when I get closer and he holds his hand up to me, his other wrapped around his chest, in an odd sort of cradling gesture.

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