Chapter Forty-Four

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Author's Note: Hello, hello again my dear friends. It is terribly late. I don't know why but the last few chapters have been plaguing me and not turning out quite the way I want. That's not fair, brain. Not fair. Also, I guess I should probably say that I have every intention of the conclusion of this story being at Chapter Fifty. While that makes me sad, that isn't to say that maybe I won't revisit their story line at a later time, and I now know I can move on to the original work I've been promising myself I would work on. Well. We still have plenty of time, I assure you. I haven't written the ending yet, so we'll see how that turns out! Awwwright, now onto the chapter. Please comment yo' comments...I don't know what that's supposed to mean...



Loki lays dead on the ground.


Well, to be more accurate, there are dozens of dead Lokis littering the ground. Bleeding, broken…contorted in unearthly ways. I sniff back a running nose and wipe my tears as I look down at the newest addition to the dead Loki pile.

“This sucks. You suck, Loki,” I grumble as he appears beside me, observing my latest kill. It sends a slight shudder down my spine, knowing he is fine and well but that still killing each one felt realer than the one before.

“You have done well,” Loki nods and with a wave of his hand the bodies strewn around my feet have all vanished into thin air again. “See? Was that truly so bad?”

“Yes!” I look up at him with teary eyes. He frowns but then he shrugs.

“You needed to grasp the concept of mind over matter, Val. You see,” he begins his spiel again, “if you can conquer the humanity inside yourself, repress it enough, it will make battle easier for you. Killing me over and over again was difficult. But if you can kill me, you can kill any enemy. You put emotion aside, and you do what must be done.”

I resheath my sword and give him a disapproving glance. “No wonder you’re so fucked up.”

“I…” He opens his mouth and then closes it quickly again, pursing his lips. “I do not think that’s very just of you…”

“I’m sorry but you have to admit that that isn’t exactly a rational way of thinking. That’s just not how normal people think, Loki. I do not merely have a humanity switch I can flick off. Cut me and I bleed. Ask me to kill someone I love over and over again…I cannot do it so simply.”

“You are being terribly narrow-minded.”

“Don’t you worry that if you repress your natural instinct maybe you won’t be able to get it back?” I pause, approaching Loki carefully. I touch his arm and he glances down at the contact but does not reciprocate. He seems pissed. “Is that what Thanos did to you? Made you repress all your emotions, cut you down into a war machine?”

Loki rips his arm away from me and glares at me through tired eyes. “You know nothing about my time with Thanos.”

“But I do! He did the very same things to me!”

“With a very different intention behind his actions. You do not understand…you cannot understand what Thanos did to me!”

“Well, see? Isn’t this something we should talk about now rather than later?”

Loki looms over me suddenly, “I don’t think you understand. I was fully aware of everything terrible thing I did. I did not cease my actions, knowing full well they would result in the deaths of innocents, because I did not care. In fact, I enjoyed the chaos I created.”

Recompense [Fólkvangr End, Book 1] [Loki Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now