Chapter Forty-Two

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Author's Note: Apologies for a longer delay than you dear people have grown accustomed to. It is a life of luxury you lead with summer two day updates, as compared to when it took me at least six days to update. I do apologize again. I've been struggling with my muse...and that is, I mean, I don't have one. I've been feeling a little laboured writing the story lately, and I don't know why. Hmph. :( So, to temporarily lighten things up, I bring you, a party in true Stark style. Also, a very lengthy chapter. I just couldn't decide how the hell to break it up. Song mentioned in the story is in the sidebar (EDIT: It won't let me add it right now, I will if I can get it to cooperate!). As always, don't forget to comment and vote and share your thoughts with me!



I stumble out of my room at nine in the morning, on the dot, not entirely sure what day it is or where I am…

“How’s our hungover little butterfly?” I hear Tony ask loudly from down the hall. I groan and rub the sleep from my eyes.

“I’m not hungover!” I argue, but still my head rings. Wow, really glad this immortality thing is so fucking useful. Suddenly I feel cool arms wrap around my waist and Loki presses his lips to the back of my head.

“I’ve been informed you had quite the night drinking with Stark, though surely not as memorable as the night we indulged together,” Loki snickers in my ear. I turn around in his hold and glare up at him and he runs his thumb across my cheek and kisses my nose lightly.

“I’m just going to let that go,” I mutter with a roll of my eyes. “Consider yourself lucky.”

He kisses me with a little more vigor than usual and I smile against his lips as they part mine. He doesn’t often kiss me like this…in fact, up until last night he didn’t kiss me very often at all. Sure, he’ll kiss my forehead or my cheek or my nose, but the rare and true kisses are a blessing. And now that they’re increasing in frequency, and that he’ll kiss me in public…I am feeling better about this strange relationship every day. He backs me up into the wall and he grasps my face as he continues to kiss me, one hand dropping down to my waist and running up the back of my shirt. His hand is wonderfully cool against my bed-warmed skin.

Mmm,” I literally moan out loud and while I am embarrassed beyond belief, Loki doesn’t even pause to give it a thought.

Everything is going well until I hear, “Will someone tear these two apart, what is this kissing all about, I run a scientifically advanced industry, not a brothel!” Tony sings down the hallway.

I yank my face away from Loki, banging my head against the wall, embarrassed that Tony saw me sucking face…with an intergalactic space villain…Damn. I need to sort out my life, don’t I? Loki seems unphased, bringing our lips together again, biting down lightly on my lower lip which nearly drives me insane, but I shake my head.

I push against Loki’s chest, “Did you just bastardize Les Mis to make fun of me? Oh Tony, I’m flattered.” He rolls his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest. Tony and Loki exchange a cold glance and I rock onto my toes and then back again.

“Sooo,” I venture, “what is the plan from here forward?”

“We go back to Asgard,” Loki says with his arm slung across my shoulders suddenly.

Tony frowns, “Oh but we were just starting to have fun!”

“Why do we have to go back now? We’ve only just come to Earth,” I argue with the hope that maybe we can scrounge up a few more hours. There is something I desperately want to show Loki.

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