Chapter Thirteen

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Author's Note: Lucky number thirteen! I wasn't really planning on posting this chapter this soon after the other one, especially since I'm losing momentum with the underwhelming lack of readers. BUT. I really appreciate those of you who are actually reading and commenting and keeping up with my madness. I don't know how else to promote this story...okay. I'm complaining and that's not cute. Onto the chapter, as a special Valentine's Day gift! I hope you have a swell Valentine's! Make sure to comment, vote and spread the word!



I knock heartily on Odin’s door, sucking in another deep breath. My hair hangs loose and I try and shove it out of my face as he opens the door.

He looks surprised and little bit annoyed, “Lady Valkyrie…are you all right?”

I am still trying to catch my breath, so, instead, I simply nod and brush past him into his office. Everything is golden. Of course it is. Of course. My head is pounding and my insides feel like they’ve been thrown around but despite the sweat dripping down my skin, I am freezing. I whip around and look at Odin who is frowning at me.

“I’m terribly sorry for this intrusion, Allfather, however, I have something very important to ask of you,” I breathe out. I’m finally catching my breath. Running all the way back here was not exactly the best decision. “I know this is going to sound completely stupid, especially coming from me, and in light of recent events…but I’ve made a sort of revelation, if you will.”

Odin continues to scowl at me. Maybe that’s just the way his face is… “Yes, well, what is it?”

I bite my lip, uncertain now that I want to ask this of him. I don’t have a choice. I have to.



“I, uh…” I take a deep breath again. In through my nose, out through my mouth. “You have to release Loki.”

He peers at me with his one eye, managing to do three times the piercing into my soul that anyone could do with two. He comes forward, towering over me. “You are in no position to be telling me what I must do.”

I’m really regretting drinking with Fandral now. I thought I’d gotten it out of my system, but I really wouldn’t have done this without it. That which hath made them drunk hath made me bold…or something to those effects.

“Odin, you need to hear me out,” I straighten up, not taking any of his shit today. I’m in no mood for anyone’s shit. I…I…don’t even care anymore. I just need Loki out and I need him now. My fingers twitch at my sides. Surely I can keep going on in brief and confrontation meetings with Loki…but it’s not helping. And judging by Thor and Odin’s testy attitudes of late, they are running out of ideas and time is ticking.

“Child, you should be going,” Odin’s tone is biting. I ignore him and take a step towards him, forcing him to parry with a step backwards.

I shake my head slowly, “Odin, you must understand. I think I can help Loki. I know how he feels…and I know that being pent up is doing nothing to help him. It’s just fostering his rage further. But when I went to him the other day there was…there was this flicker in him. And I—”

“You wish for me to release a war criminal based on an alleged ‘flicker’ that a lost, love-sick little human—”

“I am not lost or love-sick!” I scoff, refusing to back down. My hands are in tight fists at my sides and I suppress the urge to punch him in the face. “You don’t trust me, fine. I get it. But that’s doesn’t mean my plan isn’t sound. You want Loki on your side. You need Loki on your side. So, you need to put up or shut the hell up, Odin.”

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