Chapter Seven

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Author's Note: So I am updating instead of studying for midyears. Solid plan. Anyway, here's a brand new chapter with even a little Loki face time. So, please, if you're enjoying, tell your friends! Spread the word! Please read, comment and vote. It makes my day to hear from you!



"Lady Val! Come! We have the council to attend to," Thor stops and reaches towards me, presumably to take my arm in his, but instead I shake my head slowly.

"I'm going to see Loki," I say suddenly and without much thought. I hadn't realized that's what I was doing. But sure enough my feet were carrying me towards the dungeon...or maybe towards breakfast. One can never know.

His face darkens and before he can start I raise a hand to stop him. "I know what you said, and I know you'd prefer I don't, but regardless of what he says and does to me, I am determined to get him to help us. You cannot deny the power he wields. Why not have it on our side rather than against us for once?"

"I do not believe it to be a good idea. I am not secure in letting you alone with Loki," Thor attempts to reason and I smile but shake my head, clutching the thing behind my back tighter.

"I appreciate your concern, Thor. I'm honestly fine. I think I may be making progress!" I lie through my teeth with a bigger smile. This effort to get Loki on my side feels like it has taken several steps backwards. I can't let this hinder me. I said I would get Loki on our side and with enough manipulation, I will. I think. Maybe.

Thor's brow furrows and then he shakes it off, "I hope this day treats you kindly."

"Thanks, Thor! You too!" I smile and the nerves fall off of me with a smile. Why was I nervous? Thor is right. This is going to be a good day, I can feel it in my bones. It has to be, right? I need a good day.

I head off down the hall, Thor disappearing in the opposite direction. Skip in my step and smile on my face, I round the corner and walk smack into someone. I stumble back, muttering a rapid apology and I look at my feet, confused.

"My lady," a voice says and before I know what's happening, Fandral's lips are on my hand.

"Hey..." I greet awkwardly and try to skirt around him. He doesn't let go of my hand.

"Are you in a hurry to be somewhere?" he asks, noticing my impatience.

"I...uh, I was going to see Loki," I admit. There's really no point in lying--he knows what I'm up to regardless. Fandral frowns in much the same way I just watched Thor frown. It's a mixture of worry and confusion coupled with disappointment. "Don't make that face!"

Fandral arches an eyebrow, "What is wrong with my face?"

"No, I meant...I can see the disappointment clear as day all over your face. And I'm sorry, really, but you needn't worry yourself with what I'm doing," it comes out a little more scathingly than I was intending.

"I am more concerned with your personal well being, my lady," Fandral replies softly.

I groan and curl my hands into fists at my sides, "Stop doing that! Why is everyone so chivalrous? CHIVALRY IS DEAD, FANDRAL."

I shut my mouth with an audible clacking of my teeth and I stare at him with wide eyes. He doesn't say anything but instead a smile slowly creeps to his face and he looks positively amused. I shake my head slowly, "Yeah, I'm sorry. I'm not sure why I'm yelling at you..."

"I understand you are overwhelmed. Perhaps you would like to talk about it? I am glad to lend an ear," he offers kindly. "I shall lend an ear and not a tongue, I promise."

I cross my arms over my chest a little defensively, but glad to have someone to actually listen. I mull the offer over in my head a few times, trying to weigh the pros and cons. There don't always have to be cons, there just tend to be. Plus, I don't know what he is going to run off and do with the information I give him. But I look back at his charming smile and I can't help myself.

"Let's walk and talk, shall we?"



"Well, you need not be worried, my lady. I think you will find yourself most at home here in time," Fandral urges, squeezing my hand gently. I feign a smile. Yeah, I'm not thinking that much of the kingdom of Asgard is bound to take a shining to Earth girl here any time soon, but I appreciate the encouragement enough. If I have made one friend here, then I shall be pleased.

"Thanks, my lord," I snigger and he looks surprised at me. "What, I'm not allowed to do that?"

"Call me, Fandral, please," he smirks. I roll my eyes.

"Only if you quit calling me 'my lady'," I mock his voice and he shakes his head as he laughs at me.

"If you insist, my love," he taunts.

I groan, "Oh, I hate you."

"You could never," he says smugly before raising my hand to his lips.

"I'm going to see Loki, now. Care to join--?"

He turns on his heel and hurries off, throwing his hand up in a hasty farewell. "Are you scared?"

"Ha! Me? Scared? Never!" He calls, voice echoing away from me and down the hall. I smile to myself as I watch him go, appreciatively. It can't be said that Fandral is not an attractive man. Aaaanyway... I hurry down the stone steps, my footsteps echoing as I travel further and further down below the palace. To where Loki is safely hidden away from the world. The hallway seems far more vast and endless than I recall. It's a painful slow journey just to see Loki who by all accounts is not going to be pleased to see me. Of course, he should be grateful, but anyone can see that's just not how he rolls.

I push the door open and I wave to the guard, who looks surprised to see me. Loki's cage has been lowered to the ground, though when I notice the untouched food inside his cage, I begin to understand why. His posture has stiffened as I am sure he is aware of my presence.

"Loki," I say quietly, approaching the glass. I've decided to keep my distance and stick to misadventures strictly out of his reach. I'd prefer not to die at his hands if I can manage to avoid it all costs.

He turns slowly, reminiscent of the first time we met. He glares at me but his lips curl slowly into a spine-tingling evil. He's definitely got the air of a villain thing worked out. And I don't know if he's intentionally acting insane or if he actually is...

"I...I know we're not exactly on the best of terms, but I figured I would come and check on you...I don't...I don't know. It—"

"Are you quite done with your pathetic traulism?" Loki snaps, undermining any progress I thought I may have been making. I guess I am simply delusional when it comes to getting through to him.

"You don't need to be rude," I shift uncomfortably and I can see the smirk in his stupid green eyes. He's taking sick pleasure in this, isn't he?

"You do not need to pester me, and yet you persist," Loki sniffs, clasping his hands behind his back.

I purse my lips and nod, accepting this assessment. I blow air uselessly through my lips and crack my knuckles. "I have a plan for you, Loki. A very specific plan that would be going swimmingly if you would just comply. I see I'm going to have to work for it. I will do whatever it takes to earn your bloody trust."

"You are wasting your precious time. I have all the time in the nine realms and over again to wait. Do not think I am incapable of playing this game just the way you intend it to be played," he draws his words out slowly and meaningfully. I keep my eyes locked on his and I refuse to be the one to look away. That's what he wants—a show of weakness.

"Well, I'm ready to play when you are. In fact, I'll go kick back upstairs in my nice, warm bed and you can send a guard if you decide to change your mind," I offer with a smile, taking a step away, throwing my arms up. He looks past me and I feel free of his gaze. "I have an eternity, my friend."

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