Chapter Fifteen

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Author's Note: Yay! 500 reads! In celebration I'm posting a chapter. Also I'm bored. Also, I just need to move on from this chapter so I can move ahead. This chapter isn't grand, but there's fun time with Loki and that's good. Also, important details revealed! Egad! Okay, so comment and vote, my loves! Thanks!



Something cold touches my shoulder and I jerk awake, panicked. “Wha—where, where is Loki?”

“I am right here,” Loki looks down at me like I am a total idiot. I rub my eyes and sit upright, my body feeling like it may have been better off crookedly bent over the stupid chair. Everything aches intensely and I arch my back but try not to let it show. I get to my feet and nearly fall onto my face, my legs surprising me with their numbness. Loki catches me by the arm and he rights me back onto my feet. I clutch the edge of the chair for stability, pulling away from Loki. He doesn’t look terribly bothered and he simply walks away without another word. I jump up and down the second he is out of sight, shaking my legs in a desperate attempt to get the blood rushing back into them.

“Arghhh!” I exclaim breathlessly. I nearly fall over again and I groan. I limp after where Loki disappeared to. The door is closed and I frown suddenly. No, no, he did not. I twist the handle desperately, already positive that he’s locked it from the other side. I struggle with it before dropping my hands to my sides as I give up. An idea strikes me and I sidle up to the door and press my cheek to it so that I may speak through it to Loki.

“You know, I guess I didn’t realize that being God of Mischief just meant you are God of Acting Like a Child,” I comment calmly, trying to taunt him. There is silence on his side of the door until it slams open and I try to dart out of its path. The edge of the door catches me in the chin, and the pain sears through my lip. I can taste the blood staining my teeth. Loki stands before me, his hands curled into tight fists, face flushed red.

Asshole,” I mutter, words slurred by my mouth full of blood. I look down at my hand for a fleeting moment and when I bring my gaze back to Loki he lunges at me, tackling me to the ground with full force. A cry of surprise escapes my lips as my head hits the ground—hard. I push against his solid chest, trying to get him off of me, but he keeps me pinned down with his legs about my hips and his hands on my shoulders. His hand draws towards my throat and grips it tightly. I kick my legs, but it accomplishes nothing.

“Get…off!” I struggle to get the words out, but he does not relent. He only looks down at me, emotionless, green eyes piercing through me, a peculiar glint alight in them. My focus on him steadily starts to blur and I can feel the lightness in my head. He’s going to kill me…

Loki leans close, his lips tickling my ear, “It would be in your best interests to prohibit your relentless tongue from insulting me further.”

“I’m sure it would,” I manage to spit out. His grip loosens and my feet touch the floor, and I double over, gasping, desperate to fill my lungs. “Are you trying to kill me?”

“I was not going to kill you. You are so prone to overreacting, Valkyrie,” he purrs like nothing has happened. “Besides, I could not kill you if I tried.”

“Yeah, okay…” I roll my eyes and rub my neck. I am so tired of his flailing me about by the neck. It’s really starting to become a problem.

Loki’s eye twitches and I stare at him. I straighten up, “Did you mean it? You really can’t kill me?”

“Well, I could, if I had my magic. However, seeing as you’re immortal now, it really doesn’t much matter,” Loki shrugs and I stare at him. “Why are you looking at me in such a disturbing way?”

Recompense [Fólkvangr End, Book 1] [Loki Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now